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- wonderfull_mommy2be
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I'm in my third trimester and I'm quite young I'm only 17 so I thougt maybe being young had something to do with it but idk I'm 32 weeks now but all I ever wanna do is sleep all the time.
@ robinlinlee83 thanks so much now(:! My boyfriend is prayin your right haha(: ill let yu know wht I'm having when I find out its in about 2 months(:
Yeah I don't gdet it it would be great for yu to tell me(:
This is our first baby & so excited for the answere even if it may be wrong but yu been getting a lot right!(:
Boyfriend, Me, Me, Boyfriend, Me, Me, Please get back to me I'm so curiouse!(:
@ mommy_of_3 your so imspiring thanks for the advise & stuff us younf girls really look up to tht & need tht so we know their are people tht have done it & made it through with flying colors. I know its going to be hard & things are …
@ mommy_of_3 your so imspiring thanks for the advise & stuff us younf girls really look up to tht & need tht so we know their are people tht have done it & made it through with flying colors. I know its going to be hard & things are …
@rhianna & mamikailee hey girls I'm only 16 I'm sure yu guys saw tht befor & I'm 3 months & two weeks pregnant, if those boys don't step up to the plate & be a daddy well its their loss then not yours obviously they arnt worthy enoug…
Haha yeah trust me ladies its scary but I just can't wait to look at my baby & say I would do it all over again just for yu<3 Like my pregnancy was far unplanned like I used pertection & everything & I been with the same boy for like…
Thanks guys its great to know I'm not alone its my first & I'm really scared I know a lot about babys but not everything & I'm really scared about delivery):
I am 14 weeks not sure on wht I am having yet, but if its a girl I am going with adreonna adalina marie & the theme will be either princess off of disney or just a pretty pink & brown if its a boy the name will be after daddy james ronald &a…
Heyy girls I'm due on the 1st of august with my first child I'm kinda scared & nervouse seeming tht I'm a teen mom I'm going to be 17 I have a wonderfull family & boyfriend to help though(: good luck everyone!(: