tricks on your children :)

edited January 2011 in Parenting
So just for fun . What cute tricks do you play on you kids. Lol I'm a kissy mom! So I tell my son to come here I have something to tell him .. then I say I love you, and kiss him. lol he laughs, and then does it back! Not going to tell him mommy just wants to get her kiss fix in. Especially bc he is a very busy two almost three year old. Lol anyways love to hear yours.


  • Aww. How cute. My son hated my kisses at 3. I would tell him that he better not kiss me cause I won't like it and he bombbards me with kisses and I would have to struggle and pretend I don't like it. He thinks its hilarious.
  • edited January 2011
    That's so cute (: I'm a new mom, but my younger sister & I were 10 yrs apart .. & I used to cheer in school so she knew I loved it, and she loved when id put my swim suit on & take a bath with her.. well she was just 3 at the time & didn't really understand what a bribe was.. so instead of saying I'll do this or that for you, if you do this or that for me.. she said.. you do a cheer & then we'll take a bath :) and she used to giggle after she said it like she had come up with the best trick everrr. She thought she was the stuff & it was sooo cute :) I could never sayy no!
  • @mommy3 that's the sweetest thing ever! What an awesome big sister! My sons love to be tickled, but they always run away and make me chase them. When I get sick of running after them I'll tell them that we're done and now I need a hug, they come running, and I pin them both and tickle them some more. We call it tickle monster. We also have kissing monster, which is pretty much the same. My oldest is 4 and started telling me that he was wiping my kisses off, so I told him mommy kisses are made of superglue and no matter what he does they will always stick to him. He totally believed me and doesn't bother wiping them off anymore. :)
  • This is my first pregnancy, but my husband was telling me about taking his kids to Disneyland when they were little. When they went on the Star Wars ride, he had to wait outside with his daughter because she was too little. When his son and wife at the time got out, Raistlin said, "Dad! We went into space! You should have gone!" He played along and said, "Yeah! I saw your ship zoom into the air! Wanna go again?"
  • VictoriaB.. What a good daddy :) sounds like he's all set for your little one! So sweet..
    Magcaw.. my daddy did the tickle monster too (: gosh I can't wait to do things like this!
  • My 2 year old likes to whine a lot so when she's whining and I get tired of it I tell her "don't tickle me" and she spends the next 10 or so mins trying to tickle me and laughing. We also tell her "don't eat daddys face" and she trys to bite his nose, its super cute. She just recently started attacking me with kisses out of the blue, I don't even know where it came from, she's got a great sense of humor.
  • Very cute! You just have to love the way children think :) so cute!
  • Lol, I totally forgot, my sisters 4 year old acts up every now and then and she does the old "got your nose" trick but with his mouth, he grabs his face and starts running around making noises but not talking, I don't know if he is good at playing along or if he really thinks he can't talk, it is so funny.
  • @mommy3
    I know! I'm so glad to have an experienced dad with me. Its gonna make things a lot less crazy once baby gets here :)
  • VictoriaB.. its so good hearing how well you are with his kids, you two seem like you def work together & I'm sure this will be cake for him haha
    Ladies, aren't kids just sooo funny? These stories are adorable!
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