how much weight have you preggys gained?



  • 20 weeks and im down 13 lbs
  • 18 wks and gained 15lbs :\
  • 16 wks and gained 2 lbs
  • Im 18 weeks and haven't gained a lb. I was worried cuz some website said I shoulda gained ten already but my bellys getting its shape slowly..
  • Im almost 23weeks and at20weeks I already gained 20lbs but I was under weight to start with,im 5"11and was 126 when I should of been like 140/150, but I feel really fat cus as soon as my eyes open I have to eat,,and my husband weighs 135an is 6"4 so I always feel bad like im going to crush him,,,lol I know its just my emotions but still
  • I'm 14 weeks and lost 15 so far... I usually gain around 20 the whole pregnancy but I am also plus size .
  • @dutchiimom ive lost 13 since the beginning and my Dr says my baby is fine
  • I'm 17 weeks and I've lost 3 lbs so far...I wad about 165 before I git pregnant
  • 11 1/2 weeks 0 pounds
  • 21 weeks 8.5lbs
  • 19w2d down 27lbs! shooting for a net gain of 0 :)
  • edited March 2011
    13wks ;lost 11lbs.. im 4'11
    and beginning i onlyy wore 123lbs
    went frm 5s & 7s to 1s & 3s n jeans
    i absolutely hate it; my donk disappeared
  • Almost 25 weeks and I've gained 10 pounds. Still wearing my size 6. Its all in my boobs and belly.
  • 18 weeks, lost 10 pounds haven't gained any :(
  • 4months and 0lbs
  • I'll be 35 weeks in 2day and I gained 21lbs
  • 28wks and so far i've put on 27lbs. I put on somewhere between 35-40lbs w/my 1st so i'm guessing i'll end up doing the same w/this one. Unfortunately i'm more obsessed w/food and less w/exercise this time around.
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  • 6mths gained 50lbs. But I'm not too mad cuz now I got some booty. Smh been waitin my whole life for something to fill my jeans. Plus I was like 15lbs underweight to begin wit, so its good
  • @new_mommy9_21 girl don't feel bad I'm the opposite. I'm 5'5 weighed 97lbs. Was a zero n a 32B now I'm a 7 with 34D look like I'm bout to be a DD
  • I'm 25 weeks and have lost 20 lbs. I just seem to stay at my current weight no matter what I eat.
  • 24 weeks tomorrow & so far Ive gained 4 pounds. Go to doctors in a couple of weeks so we'll seen then how much more. :)
  • 7 months gained 16lbs so far
  • 15weeks, lost 1lb...
  • 15 weeks and down ten pounds still.haven't gained an ounce since we found out
  • 5 months 5 pounds
  • 11 wks & no weight gain. Hopin to get it soon cuz I was underweight before.
  • 16w4d and gained 7 lbs
  • 20 wk gained 4 pounds
  • Im 16 wks 5 days and gained 6lbs so far
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