Showing early

I am 8 weeks and 3 days and I started to show as early as the 6 weeks. Has anyone else started to show this early or am I a freak of nature :-)


  • I'm almost 10 weeks and have been showing for about two weeks....this is my third child though so I'm not sure if that's reason....
  • Sometimes I get bloated and I think I got bigger but then it goes back down, lol
  • Oh im 6 weeks 3 days
  • Well I started to show very early as well. Although this is my 5th baby and each pregnancy you tend to show a bit earlier since you've already been stretched out from before, but not all women are like that. But when you are showing that early in the 1st trimester its really just alot of bloating from all the hormones. Your intestines are swelling up due to all the extra hormones are bodies are getting from our little peanuts. But for me since baby #3 I've showed early from about 6-7 weeks and on, although no one can tell this but me of course. But now I'm 24 weeks and in full bloom. But I love it! :-D
  • I am 5'6" and wear pant size 1. This is my first pregnancy and I am only 7 weeks but I already have a firm I going crazy? Or is this my body just making room for the baby later?
  • Thanks everyone your comments were very helpful. This is my first child so everything is brand new to me :-)
  • I'm 7 weeks and I have been showing. I have fibroids so my OB says that's why
  • This is like a Mexican little myth thing but supposedly if its your first and you show early on it means its a girl :)
  • I thought I was showing early on but I realized it was just bloating but I did end up popping out at 12 wks and itts actually rlly noticeable I'm 14 wks now and caved on the maternity pants this is my first so I was hoping I could putall this off for a bit but oh well lol at least you can tell I'm prego and not just gaining weight.
  • Everyone has been saying it is going to be a girl. I don't care either way :)
  • I'm 11 weeks and 5 days but not showing at all. I'm not expecting to for another month or so anyway.
  • Its probably bloating. I keep thinking I'm showing but its all bloating so far. I'm 12 weeks.
  • I was 'showing' very early, then it went away. Now I just popped at 15 weeks and its a pregnant belly. So I guess before it was just bloat. This is my third!
  • I look pregnant when I bloat too lol although my stomach all of a sudden goes really firm- I'm 13 weeks!! Apart from that apparently u wouldnt know I was expecting but for the 1st 3 months I lost loads of weight...
  • Im 10 weeks nd igotta little belly..ive had one for 3 weeks but im tiny so thats why
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  • It's crazy because my belly is already firm too
  • I'm 11 weeks and I'm lookin like four months. I'm on baby2 tho.
  • Im 6wks4dys & I have a little bump. Thought me & my bd was the only ones that noticed but my sis in law noticed it 2day.
  • I started showing @ 6 wks, but I'm being blessed with twins :) it depends on your height and prenatal weight also.
  • I am 11 weeks and showing but mg doc said that's because this is number two and they are so close together I hadn't lost all my pregnancy belly from gauge.
  • I did but I'm having twin girls ;)
  • I don't have an obvious baby belly, but for people who know me, my pudge will be noticeable with a fitted shirt. I had a cowrkr notice @ 8 wks. I'm 11w5d. My pic is my lil bump @ 10wks :-)
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