Vaseline like cm ?

Hey ladies, I'm sure someone has already posted something like this...but I just couldn't find an answer anywhere. When I went to the restroom today, I noticed a large amount of cm that was almost like vaseline? Creamy, thick...... I'm on CD 24 and AF is due on April 2nd....any suggestions ? I really don't have a clue when I ovulated... althought I know my cm has changed within the past 2 days, from thin, watery, to creamy and thick. All apps say I ovulated around the 19th (+-).


  • No one ? .... really ?
  • Yea thats a sign of ovulation.
  • Is it the start ? The middle .... the end ? I need help please.
  • I dont think you can tell from your discharge what part of ovulation youre in.
  • The apps could be wrong because not all womens cycles are the same.
  • Plenty of people tell their ovulating by their cm actually, and checking position.
  • I'm obviously just not one of them who know how to.
  • It sounds like your right in the middle of ovulation. Best time to try. After you're done each time, prop pillows under your butt and wait at least 30 minutes before getting up. :) then I would wait 2 weeks after your discharge goes back to normal before testing if your period doesn't show up :) good luck hun.
  • oooh ! Thanks @KayleeAndAmaiyasmommy ! Is it weird to ovulate so late ? CD 23 really ? Maybe that's why this hasn't been working. Stupid apps are off.
  • Very well could be hun. Lots of women ovulate at different times, that's why I don't suggest the apps to anyone. That kind of mucus is a huge indication of ovulation though. If its thick and stretchy, id say for sure ovulation! I hope you get your BFP soon!!! Tons of sticky baby dust to you hun! :)
  • Yes I know they do. Thats how I got preggo. Just observed my cm & figured out I was ovulating so I went for it.
  • @KayleeAndAmaiyasmommy Thank you so much for your help! It's very appreciated (: Fingers crossed, and toe too ;) ! hehe
  • According to my first ultrasound I ovulated late on cycle day 24 out of 29. My cm looked fertil around cycle day 11-13. I'm still confused but obviously I am pregnant. I'd still try if your cm is what you are describing. :) good luck!!
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