What wa your first reaction when you found out you were pregnent??? THIS SHOULD BE FUN!!!!



  • Ok so a couple of days before I found it I was prego I went to the doctor to get my annual and get some birth control but before I went I took a pregnancy test but it was negative.... Then a couple of days later I still hadn't started my period and my stomach was hurting so I finally took a test and I was like what the heck I just went to the doctor and took a test... I was getting ready for class at the time and I sat down on the bed and was putting on my shoes and I said to my boyfriend ok im just gonna tell you I took a prego test and the second line was faint... I went and bought a digital test and it said pregnant...my boyfriend told me for days that he wanted to punch me in the chin lol but in a joking way... But now I think he's happy every time we lay down and cuddle he rubs my belly :)
  • Oh and I was super excited when I found out but didn't want my bf to know how excited I was lol
  • When I found out that I was pregnant I couldn't believe it I took alot of pregnancy test. I cried and cried cuz I wasn't planning on getting pregnant soon. I was angry about it cuz I know im not ready to b a mother yet but now im really happy and I can't wait to see my baby.
  • My firat test I took was a 99¢ store one, I took it after drinking a lot of water & it still had a positive line, so faint I thought it was an evaporation line or my eyes playing tricks on me.

    Next morning I took a leftover First Response that my bf had from our scare a couple months ago. He wanted in the bathroom I said no...I peed, set it on the counter, by the time I pulled my pants up it was positive. I stared for a solid minute as he was knocking on the door. When I opened it I just stared at him, muttered "how many lines do you see?"
    Then started crying and saying, "I just didn't think it would really be positive..."

    First thing I did was message my best friend who is in England and drove to buy vitamins and fish oil...
  • Congratz to all of u! :)
  • My period was always on time, so when it didn't come on day two I told my bf what if I'm preggers. He just said ok, So I wanted a week before I bought the digital test, it didn't even take 30 seconds before it turned positive. So I called and told my bf he was like did you take the other one. I said no I'm going to the gym I'll take it when I get home. Positive within 30 seconds I'm still in disbelief. Put he's happy he wants a boy .. ;;)
  • After my m/c last yr in march we started trying right away. Ive taken all kinds of medications b/c ive always been irregular.so that meant that i wouldnt ovulate every mo. So on x-mas day i took a random ovulation test and it came back pos. Of course we did the work but really i knew it wouldnt work.so in jan 6 i went to go see a fertility doc and he ordered me a blood test to see if i was preggo. Test came back neg :( he checked me and said that indeed my ovaries showed that i had not ovulated. Well on the 25 i took a preg test bc i havent gotten my period since nov and i got a bfp! Omg i still cant believe it. Me and my h7bby are just soo happy weve been trying for over two yrs! Just hope we have a sticky one this time :)
  • I had taken a test that wsnt totally clear the nigt bfore. The next day my husband and I and family and friends were on our way to Bears Packets playoff gamewe stopped at target and my husband and I secretly bought a more specific test with yes/no results. I snuck into bathroom at target and found out on our way back to the car. Couldn't stop smiling. But tailgating was a little different than I thought it would be drinking virgin bloody mary's and not being able to tell anyone.
  • I had a miscarriage Oct 5, 2010, had to have a dnc. Hubby asked if I wanted to try again and I was like yeah I do. After my first period we began trying, I thought I was prego, 6 days late but neg tests. I got period but super light and on and off. The next month took one before ad was due and bfp!!! I took 2 more, both bfp!!! When Hubby got home I sat on his lap, asked if he loved me, He was like yeah, and I dropped the test. He was like Omg you've got to be kidding me!!! I love you!!! Haven't told family yet since previous miscarriage but we are excited!!
  • hiii I had two mc one in july of 09 n da other sept 30 10 da 1st time took me 6 months to become prego next a yr n I got on da pill after my 2nd..was depressed cus I was on it..bcus I had it in my mind I couldnt get pregnant sooner..n two months later I got off da pill n I told my hubby its not like im gonna get pregnant in a month haha..n well dec 9th I stop my pill missed my period jan 7 tested jan 10..n it was positive kept telling myself no no its too soon..n wat do yuu know got pregnant a month late crazy..im 6 weeks n im hoping to keep dis baby
  • I was just like every 1 in here. I was nervous bout bein prego n I couldn't believe that I'm bout to be a mom again. Quick question if u took a ovuilater test n it say one line darker then the other wht dat means your lh isn't high enoug to be pregnant? I know dat I'm preggo cos I been sleepin a lot, eatin a lot, peein a lot plus my period was light for two days. Also my back was hurtin me, havin white spots before my eyes and spitin a lot too. Cn any 1 tell me wht does dat mean.
  • I was always nasious at work and never hungry. Thinking I had some sort of stomach virus, I made an apptment with my doctor. He jokingly told me I was expecting a little virus due in August. Lol!
  • Well my family came up from TX to visit us in CO for Christmas and with all the partying I didn't pay attention to my period. So come New Year's Eve I started feeling nauseus and my breasts hurt. On 12-30 iwhile at work I almost threw up. That was when I finally counted aand realized I was late by 9 days. I bought a 99 cent store test and it showed 2 lines immediately. I didn't tell my hubby but I sure did cry a ton. On 12-31 I worked half day and bought a 2nd test to be sure. Yup! It was! So I surprised my hubby with the news on new years eve. Quite a bang to bring in the year!
  • @randilyn im alittle over 5 months... how far are you??
  • Well how I found out is. My man told me he had a feeling I'm pregnant. So the next week I missed my period and I could believe two yrs trying to have a baby I just thought it was not tru so I went to the doctors and they said I was pregnant I asked them for another one because I was in such disbelief but here I am 5 months and can't wait to have this lil boy...
  • I kept thinking in my head I was pregnant & imagining being pregnant again.. but I knew I wasn't.
    I bought a two pack test from walmart with my friend.. we went to meijers & went in the bathroom for me to take it. the single line showed up before the control line & we kept staring at it like, it looks like it could be a plus.. but I knew it wasn't. I just wanted it to be. that was the day I was supposed to get my period.
    I went home & was kinda sad/kinda relieved, since it wouldn't be my fiances, we had just gotten back together.. /: although I did want another baby.
    exactly one week later, I was pumping breast milk for my daughter, my breasts hurt too much to breast feed her..I was just rambling on to my fiance about how I think I'm pregnant cuz I'm moody & my boobs hurt. I glanced at the test box that had a test left in it. apparently pregnant was 1 line & not pregnant was no line! I jumped up & covered my mouth & said OMG!OMG!OMG! & tld my fiance I think I'm pregnant. I ran to take the test, & sure enough! now I'm nervous! lol
    according to this I'm 9 wks 1 day. (:
    due sept 3rd with bby #2, oldest is 9months!
  • oh & I had been feeling nauseous for 2 wks already!
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  • Well I didn't know I was pregnant I was out partying drinking having a great time . Then my best friend was playing around and was like you better go take a pregnancy test . I looked at her like she was crazy and I was like for what I'm not pregnant . Then when she went home I was like let me take this test I took it and it came out positive I started yelling . MY mom came to where I was at and said is wrong with you I said nothing . I went to the store and got 9 more test to make sure it was rite . And all of them came out positive I was cursing my boyfriend out and everything . I never had any kind of symptoms or nothing . SO I finally sent a picture of the test to my mom . She took me to tIe doctor and it was the final answer that I am pregnant . I found out that I was pregnant when I was 2 about to be 3 months . NOw I'm 21 weeks and having a lil girl and you can't even tell that I'm pregnant . ANd haven't had no kind of symptoms through my whole pregnancy !
  • I cried. I was at a clinic so I texted my bf. He called me giggling and excited. He was awesome and told me not to cry :) I was excited too but I did not know how he'd react after 6 years lol.
  • With both of mine, I took the test (covered up the preview window) left the bathroom, my husband told me what they said both times, we weren't really ready either time, so we were upset, but after a few hours when it had time to sink in we were both excited.
  • I knew something was up because I was cramping too early to be pms and my boobs were sore. The first hpt I took was too early, but I was still relieved by the negative. Then I missed my period...I took another the next day and it was positive as soon as I peed on it. I say in the bathroom crying to myself, "what am I going to do?" I told my boyfriend and he comforted me saying everything would be alright. My family and friends have been very supportive and excited, so it's really helping me to become excited.
  • Everyone knew I was pregnant before I did. My friend and I went to the clinic and found out together. She was more emotional than me. I don't know why but I wasn't happy, sad, scared, nothing. No emotions. I just said ok and filled out paperwork and called my bf who was very excited and told all his friends at work, but I felt numb. So weird.
  • Also, 2 nights before I found out, my bf and I had a fight so I was sleeping on the couch. While I was sleeping I heard my nana calling my name and telling me to wake up. No matter what I did I could not open my eyes and I felt like I was flailing about and then I thought I fell off the couch and finally I could open my eyes. When I looked around the room, everything was red and I got scared so I went and got in bed. That was around 3 am. When I called to tell my nana that I was pregnant, she told me she had a dream that I was expecting. I asked her about her dream and she said that I was calling her from somewhere in the house and she looked everywhere and couldn't find me. Then she woke up and it was 3 am also, the same exact night I had my dream. Idk what that means but I think its kind of bizzare.
  • well i was in my moms bathroom she has 1 pregnancy test and my boobs were so tender so i thought well im probly not pregnant bc i had just took 1 the day b4 and i was just sitting there peeing on the stick put it on the sink and sat there, well i look at the test and it had 2 lines i yelled at my mom and said is this real?? I started to cry bc me and my husband stoped trying bc its been like 7 months of trying then we stop and i get pregnant! I am due August 22 and this is Number 2 for us :)
  • Found out on the 18th. Got married the 12th. My poor husband looked like Saten himself jumped out and said it. He turned, gray. I burst into tears. Just got married and am 7 weeks pregnant. So not ready but can't help but be excited.
  • edited January 2011
    Me and my husband were in shock because we had just gotten married the month before! Needless to say my duedate june 23rd is exactly 9months from the day we got married but we couldn't be happier :)
  • I went to the doctor for another reason. the doctor came back saying I can't help u..I said why.. she said ur pregnant...I said no ur lying Thts not true lol..
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