What wa your first reaction when you found out you were pregnent??? THIS SHOULD BE FUN!!!!

edited January 2011 in First Trimester
When I fisrt found out i thought it wasnt true... I started taking a whole bunch of pregnancy tests... I even went to the Emerghnecy Room... I was in disbelief, but when i realized it was... I cried and cried for hours....


  • I checked my hpt after like a minute and it already said pregnant. I said, "Oh my god!" And ran to grab my phone so I could send a picture to my husband :)
  • Aww... the first person i told was the babys father...
  • With my first I started swearing, told my hubby and then had a cigarette. Then I took 4 more tests over the next 3 days, and then weaned myself off of cigarettes. With my second I took the test when I realized I was pregnant (I was so mad over nothing so I just knew I was). The line was barely there, so I bought a digital, messed up the first one and had to wait hours before I could take another. when it said "pregnant" I swore (again) and told my husband he needed to come home from work. With this one it was also really faint, I just laughed and told my husband that I hoped he was ready for things to change again (this will be his 4th). I took two more tests after the faint one this time, but I knew it was positive. Lol, this is the first time I didn't swear, but I did burst into tears because I have so many friends who can't conceive and all I need to do is think about babies and I'm pregnant. I felt really guilty. But I'm excited.
  • I was at the doctor for something else and the doctor told my husband and I so we went out and bought a test to make sure there wasn't a mistake. Haha and the test was positive.
  • Even tho we tried and I knew when I ovulated and had sex on fertile day.....the test came back positive so fast it scared me. My first two babies had very faint lines even tho I was really late....anyway I ran to call my bff and see how is tell my hubby since it was xmas eve....long story short I cudnt stop pacing...cudnt believe I wud have three kids where last two wud b 18 months apart
  • For my first I had taken three within the last two months and all were negatives. Finally I told myself something might be wrong with no period this long. I took a test right in th
    e Walmart bathroom. Instantly plus. I jumped in my car bawling to tell my bf. The day before we had just played an April fools joke on my whole family telling them I was pregnant and they all had nothing but bad to say. I couldn't believe I had to tell them all again knowing why they really thought.
  • A few tears & my heart was beating kinda fast, I didn't wanna believe it even when I saw the 2 pink lines. . .
  • For my second I had just broken up with my first child's father who was a dead beat dad and started dating my now husband. We had been together six months and I thought I might be pregnant. My daughter was only ten months old. I waited for the digital test foreeevvveeerrr. I was tossing it in the trash for fear it was defective when Mid air I read pregnant! I couldn't believe it. I ran to the bed crying. Once I calmed down I walked up to my fiance at the time and told him...he cried he was so happy. We are happily married now and have been for three years and expecting our third...which was planned so n
  • My husband was agrivating me to take one so when he left i did just to prove him wrong. I took my sweet ol time peeing and cleaning off and picked up the hpt and was like wait huh... then ran through the house excited saying yay im preg. And stopped in the middle of the room dropped my armd an said oh fuck im pg...then started stressin
  • I had a miscarriage with the first baby an had to have a DNC an the doctor told me tht I might not get my period for 3 months but in the middle of Dec I took a test a an it came back positive I was so nerves to tell my boyfriend I Jus left it in the bathroom for him to see when he woke up
  • The third was fun...we were trying and I had a barely faint line but had known for weeks by instinct already. I had him meet me and the girls at pizza hut after he got off work. I had the desert pizza read we're pregnant and then took the sweaters off of the girls to reveal shirts I had made that read big sister #1 and big sister #2. He cried. It was great.
  • I took an at home pee test and before i was done peeing it already had the line. I started laughing my bf was waiting and i came out didn't say much just told him to go look. I was still laughing he came out and asked what i wanted to do i said I'm going to smoke and have a drink cuz I'm not going to be able to for the next 9 months....
  • I just new something was up for about two weeks. A week before my missed period we got a test on the way home from my dads house in nh stopped along the way we could not wait. A faint line showed up!! So 6 test later 2at home two at the doc and two more at home. I think im still in shock. I dont feel like im 13 weeks never have got sick or have anything that every othef woman has so it has not sunk in yet... Now the less we are happly shopping away for baby we cant wait!!!!
  • My boobs were really really sore I would wake up with such pain I've told my bf they are really sensitive for days now and my period hasn't come yet but I still waited because sometimes it would be irregular so we bought a test I always felt silly about buying them becus we tried for months and when my period would play with me I always end up buying and taking them but always neg and then two days later my period would come so it was the 11 of jan when I bought it I left it on top of my laptop I would look at it and then ill be like no ill wait. 13 of jan my bf looks at it and says why did we buy this for I told him jus wait if anything I got the reciept for it to take it bak. 14 of jan 830 am my bf went to work I had to pee I took the test immidiately it said + I looked at it and started pacing up and down my kitchen I took a pic sent ti to my bf and said babes am I going crazy? He said take the other I did same thing I started crying I was happy but I just started crying....I just had to make sure showered got dressed and headed to the doctors same ...it was funny becus the nurse told me I was positive I just stood staring at the wall and I noticed she was looking at me w a blank expression like she was waiting for a reaction as soon as I took a breath I started crying she smiled I text my bf told him I'm pregnant and he was so happy he even asked me how u know did the nurse say it lol I would never forget it ...I'm 9wks not morning sickness not nothing jus these sore boobs n hunger! Lol.....=)
  • not to sound cheesy but we said if we get pregnant for a 3rd it was meant to be and I could tell every month that I wasn't prego that my husband was disappointed. Then it happened...the dipstick said PREGNANT and I will be honest I wasn't happy because I suddenly remembered how much I HATE being pregnant and I knew that bc of our daughter that I was about to go thru a battery of tests for the next 9 mos...to hear its a boy and see my husband made it all worth it and I am excited to have my son here but I still hate being prego and still panic what life will be like? Will my girls adapt? Can we afford this? You all know the drill I am sure.
    But this forum sure helps and you mommies have been great!
  • I went to the doctor to get on birth control and they took a pregnancy test first I cried and cried I had to go to Skool that day to I cried there to lol
  • I took a test at work because my period was a little late and I felt "weird". Not 30 seconds after I peed on the stick, it came back positive. I was shocked!
  • You GIRLS are making me laugh!! LOL
  • I cried for 3 days straight because it was unexpected and im longer with the dad but now at, 22 weeks, I couldn't be more excited.
  • I was beyond shocked...wasn't planned and I found out I was pregnant when I went for surgery on my hand. (Doctors had to test me before I could be put to sleep) needless to say I didn't have the surgery lol
  • I was f##k cuz I jus had a baby feb2010 n I was preganat again buts all in gods will I guess
  • I didn't believe it was true. I have wanted to be a mommy for a whiiile and I kept thinking something HAD to be wrong..even after the dr confirmed. I'm still in disbelief and I'm almost 6 months. Lol
  • I had a feeling I was pregnant it was our first month of trying. I took a test at work it was positive I was so shock I got off work went home and took a first response and it was positive I started running in place and started crying I wanted call my husband but decided not to wanted to tell him face to face he would b home from work in 2 hours so I waited til he got home he was so excited. But we both no its a true blessing. I had a stillborn in 2006. But I am so excited. Congrats everyone
  • I just found out two days ago! I missed my period but didn't think much of it I had a miscarriage back in June and ever since my periods always seem to be a few days late but after 4 days late I grabbed a test. Positive INSTANTLY. I didn't believe it I took 3 more all positive lol. I haven't told anyone but the daddy. Not sure when I'm gonna tell my family! Considering the daddy is my ex that no one is very fond of! I'm excited/nervous!
  • @randilyn i feel you on that one... meaning noone likes your babydad... if there anything like my family there going to hate him now.. at least thats how it was for me
  • Oh yeah they are gonna be mad I just know it lol. That's why I'm so scared to tell anyone yet. I mean he's not a bad guy but we broke up in Oct cuz he wanted space.. and my family had to watch me go through heartbreak. Him and I stayed friends through it and obviously still hung sometimes cuz now I'm pregnant! Idk I turn 21 in March and I just know I'm gonna have to tell my family soon cuz they really gonna wonder why I don't wanna go out lol. I'm terrified. Plus we were pregnant once before and im the only girl and the youngest i have two older brothers they are gonna be mad im sure. How come your family isn't found of your baby's daddy?
  • @randilyn We have so much in common I'm 21 turning 22 on March 3. And I'm also the baby....lol well my babys day is 29 n he did bad stuff likke cheat n ma family ain't wanna see me go through pain. But in the end it yuor life and they have to let you live it
  • I turn 21 March 8th lol. I wanna wait longer than that to tell my family but ughh I know its gonna come out. Yeah my baby daddy has hurt me before but at this point I feel like if he wants to be there he can if not I can handle it. Well I think lol. How far along are you?
  • I was like really just couldnt believe it still didn't until the first ultrasound and then I finally cried
  • All I said was shit and imma kill himm
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