not sure if this makes me a bad mommy to be



  • Not sure y that posted three times....stupid phone!
  • I'm white, my ex is half white and half black he def has what u called "black hair" LOL just calm down hun first off you can't in anyway try to predict which racial features your babe will inherit from either of you! Biracial children are so blessed because they are able to get the best of all worlds! My son came out with blue eyes, beautiful golden skin, and very dark thick caucasian textured hair, now at almost two he's a champagne blonde and his hair is soooo thick but straight as a board and super silky.. my hair is naturally curly and neither dad or I have blue eyes but my mom and sis do so my point is genetics are crazy they'll shock u sometimes. And if your daughter is blessed with beautiful African American hair you'll learn to do it just seek some help take her to a salon get some quality healthy products and don't get lazy with it. I love little girls with big free styled curls! She'll be adorable!
  • I'm also mixed and its sad to say but I'm 28 and my mom really never learned how to do me and ky sisters hair all are school pictures look a mess but just keep it greased and brushed never go a day with out brushing bc u will be sorry good luck
  • @mommy2_armani thank you for your input...
  • Ur welcome and I meant I'm 18 stupid phone lol and wen she gets older perms are great 2
  • Hahaha!!! Well I'd its a boy just keep it short. if its a girl, get grandma's help on what to do with it. I totally understand the fear, is be freaking out too if I was n ur position. my hair is as opposite from black hair as it gets. I don't even have to brush it if I don't wanna, Lmao!!!!
  • @charlotteb thats how my hair is too... except my hair is thick.. and i dont know grandma well nor do we live near her... luckily my bf said he'll help when i opened up to him about my fear...
  • Get to know the ethnic hair care isle well my dear, lol!!
  • @charlotteb oh i am studying hair more than i am studying caring for baby
  • I am sorry, I have to voice my 2 cents bc a lot of these post and " black hair" and the fear of your baby having "black hair " is insulting and a horrible sterotype that seems to run rapid on here. Not all African Americans have "kinky" hair, my hair is bone straight and wont hold a curl to save its life. Then I have a daughter who's hair is very curly and soft, so soft to where all I do in the morning is add water and slick back and she's off to school. I have four sisters and all of our hair was down our back, as well as my mothers. And no I didn't read all the statements in this post, bc I felt it would only further aggregate me more....but some of the statements I did read are heartful and insulting. Not all "black" people have kinky hair, or nappy hair, just like we all come in different shades and colors. And just a quick history lesson a lot of African Americans have many ethnics mixed in our family trees so their is no way of knowing what your child will reach back and grab. And a lot of comments referred to adding conditioner.....which is not healthy for a baby. All kids hair textures change over time, and that's why hair stylist recommend you don't pit conditioner in it or add a relaxer. Sorry ranting.....I was just tired of my feelings being hurt.
  • i have a mixed girl n thank god she has good friend tho her daghters is full black hair. I suggest u learn to braid because thats the only thing u can do thats free.
  • @ash1la i am sorry that you are offended by my post if you read above it is not meant to offend anyone more of me voicing my fear that i will be a bad mother because i will not be able to maintain my daughter... i personally love "black hair"/ people/ culture if i did not i would not be engaged to a black man... once again i am sorry that this offended you... my fear is justified considering i dont know anyone who can help me or teach me about caring for my daughter's hair... and i understand how some comments would be cause for you to get upset/hurt feelings... i am sorry
  • And just thinking about the future, bc I did go back and read some of your post @jalem.....and its very important as parents to take time to word our words with caution is so easy for us to give our kids complexs knowing and unknowingly. I am light, my husband is darker.....and my first born who is a girl is dark like her dad, and then my son who is lighter than my daughter developed a complex when she is younger bc not only was she darker than me but looks just like my daughter is beautiful, smart, funny and athletic and we tell her so everyday! Its just so easy for kids to develop complexes bc kids can be cruel.....
  • No need to apologize, everybody is entiled to their opinion and feelings, I was just giving you another side to the coin. I just saw your first post and the wording was a little harsh, so I posted and then went back and read some more and realizes you meant nothing by I apologize for jumping the gun.
  • @ash1la yes and i realized after the panic/anxiety attack that my post was worded wrond and i apologized in some of the posts already... however, my comment/thread was already read by many and changing it would have been more like i was rewriting my pregnancy hormones and i could not do that because i plan to print all of my posts so that my baby can read them when she is older to know how i experienced my pregnancy... so once again i apologize for upsetting you
  • @ash1la you post too quick for me
  • No need honey....hormones are something else all in itself. I hope you got some good tips....
  • @ash1la got some but alot of people contradicted eachother... so instead i cried to my fiancee and he said he'll do her hair and teach me... so i think i should be good...
  • you can see I have no life, and I am bored out of my mind and morning sickness just kicked in a couple of days it makes for a lot of time on my hands. God Bless and have a great night and pregnancy.
  • Lol at your fiance.. at the beginning my husband combed my daughters hair, not bc I couldn't handle it just bc I wasn't very good at took me awhile to get the hang of things....
  • @ash1la i am 21 weeks and stuck at home everyday all day and my lil girl just started abusing my bladder yesterday... so i understand free time... and i am glad that you voiced your dislike/disagreement on my post i would hate to feel that i hurt someones feelings because i was not thinking while typing... you have a good night too... and i hope your sickness goes away!!!
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