i just found out there is 5 other people preggo!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
No immediate family its more like a second cousin or family friend or or a distant relative and one friend but still that will be 5 other babies born around the time my baby is born and I'm so bummed I just hope we don't go into labor on the same day that would be bad September is starting to look like a busy month? Anyone else know someone who is due around them?


  • I work at a very small credit union. There is only 7 employees and three of us are expecting. One due at the end of July us other two in September :) were only 2 wks apart LOL.. oops
  • Im pregnant, two of my first cousins r, my first cousins wife, my uncles wife, n my bestfriend lol. Its a blessing. Im gona have prego ladies at my baby shower how exciting. Everyone is due in sept like me but my uncles wife. Lol
  • My sister. Bfs best friends lady. A friend from work.my sisters friend. 2 friends from high school. Its crazy!"
  • I would love if it was someone close to me but my niece/goddaughter bday is Sept 18 and I'm due Sept 25 so I'm excited for them to be exactly 2 years apart
  • My nephew was born oct 2nd but his edd was sept 28. Im expecting my baby sept 29. It would be kool if my nephew n my baby have the same bday lol.
  • 3 of my friends and me are prego, and only one of us was trying. The other three (me included) were quite surprised. We're all due at different times, tho-july, september, october, and november. :)
  • Wow that's cool @magcaw a birthday every month
  • There's something in the water! I just discovered on fb last night that 3 of the girls I went to high school with are preggo as well. Not to mention I see pregnant girls EVERYWHERE! lol 2011 must be a good year for babies :)
  • my best friend is due 2 weeks ahead of me... my cousins vanessa and maria are due about a month after... my cousin dez is due just a week and a half after me... two 2nd cousins are pregnant within a month before and after me... my old cheerleading friend is due on aug 7 (im due aug 9).. one of my closest guy friends are having a baby(well his gf is) due a week before me... so many more...
  • me n my good friend are like a week apart and we joke around about going into labor at the same time.....my cousin is...and two or three other friends are as well....I think 2011 is a baby boom year
  • I have 7 people in my family/extended family expecting between April and July. There's definitely something in the water down here!
  • I know, i have three cousins preggo & and my bestfriend. I'm due on aug. And their due in there weeks after me. So exciting! And we're all having girls.
  • It's crazy we are all due in Sept I think everyone had a great Christmas and new year lol
  • I deff think its something in the water. Lol I know quite a few girls prego I have a friend I went to high school with her n her two sisters are prego, a friend from college, another friend, my cousins wife. And I have seen so many pregnant women I see lots of shows n someone is bound to be pregnant and always seeing first response commercials and clear blue. this is how I know im NEXT! Lmao :)
  • Lol, i work at kohls, and most of the girls i work with either just had a baby, or are pregnant. Three of them r due the same week! Looks like i picked the wrong place to work! Roflmao
  • I'm due may 20, my step-sister is due 2 weeks later and my cousin is due 2 weeks after her.
  • My bff, and cuz are both preg right now. My friend has a 10 day old! Its baby season!
  • I'm exactly 12 weeks behind my sister in laws due date :) I would like to be the only one prego right now, but I was just so excited in general to be prego that it doesn't really bother me. Plus our baby will be the first one to take my fiances family name so they are all hoping its a boy lol
  • I was angry when i found out bout my cuz... Felt like she stole my thunder... On the other hand shes real nervous and asks me lots of questions, so its kinda nice
  • Im ten weeks. One of my friends is about nine weeks my sister in law is almost nine weeks. My other friend is eleven weeks and another friend is around twelve weeks. That's just the one.s that are close to the same as me lol its crazy!!
  • As long as shes due after me and picks a dif. Day for her shower, we will b ooookay. Lol
  • Wow! Everyones gettin pregnant!
  • Yup everybody is thats why I said im next im surrounded and all that its contageous lol
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  • One of my best friends just had her baby a week ago, & I also have about 6 more friends that are all prego & another just had her baby today.. all of them are ahead of me though, i'm pretty much the last one. Another one of my best friends is due a couple months after me though, & we just found out that 2 relatives are also prego both just found out! Its baby season!!! :) im excited for all the new little ones, im loving on everyone elses babies until my daughter gets here in august<3
  • 4 or 5 of them are all due next month, then there's a few right before me.. so that's more than 6! Crazy!
  • It's crazy I'm kind of ehhh about because I want my baby to have their own bday and not have to share but its ok if it happens ill be happy that everyone will be healthy
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