significant other drama(females only)

I'm wondering why males have to be so selfish when they find out the won't be the center of attention. That we won't be takin care of them that they will have to take care of us. For heavens sake we are carrying your child why mistreat us we didn't do this to ourselves.


  • I know it said women only but if ur guy is that selfish and selfcentered theres something wrong the whole glory of being a man is to work hard to support and make ur spouse and family as happy as possible
  • Most guys get so used to us only catering to them that they start to depend on it. Once our priorities shift, it gets hard for them to adjust. Kinda like an older sibling when you bring a new baby home.
  • I don't want to be the devil's advocate or overlook the crap that I am certain you are going through (seriously-you have my utmost sympathy) but I think that watching the woman you love grow a baby can be really scary, especially when it's the first time and they don't know where your relationship will stand or how it will work once the baby is here. For them, there's not really a connection outside of seeing a bump and eventually feeling kicks, but that's not nearly what we have with our unborn children. Honestly, I think jealousy and even some disappointment or resentment is natural. Again, I'm not trying to make it sound ok or like you're overreacting--you're definitely not. He needs to learn fast that it's time to grow up; I just think that those reactions do have an explanation.
  • I'm with @daddyslittlekairi and a lot of guys have lost that. I agree with @magcaw got a point, I would talk to your guy about it. nd if he tries the "nothing is wrong babe" I usually find that my open window to say well.....and what you have built up let it out. And maybe then hell see where your coming from. Good luck :)
  • @mscheyla @magcaw @MsKrystal and @daddyslittlekari thanks and I agree its just I'm scared cuz of the fact we both are going to be going to school and our parents will over react and make our relationship dwindle.... I know he cares and he is scared and as excited as me its just we don't know what will happen. Haven't gotten to the second trimester yet so hoping that I don't loose the baby. Cuz idk how he will react to it.
  • edited March 2011
    I think a first pregnancy and first few months of having a child, while its a sacred blessing, is taxing even on the greatest relationship. It's a whole new world you have to navigate on your own, the two of you. There have been so many little jealousies for us, of each other, of the baby. Being mistreated however is not to be tolerated, you need support from him no matter what. We lost our first baby, now have a daughter and pregnant with a son. Everything has made us stronger including the miscarriage.
  • I think @macgaw is right in some cases. This is my bf and I first baby and he started acting really weird to me. I thought he was cheating and I started to get all hormonal lol. I had a long much needed talk with him and he told me he was scared and felt alone. Broke my heart. U should try to talk to him and see if he will open up. It's still not an excuse to treat u badly but I do think there is a reason for why he is acting like he is and yall need to talk. Hope he makes u feel better.
  • @excitednewmommy I know exactly how you feel both my fiance and I work. He's night I'm day, which you would think would be awesome but he works a 12 hr shift so were both worrying what's going to happen.
  • @excitednewmommy, my husband is the same. I've even tried talking. Sometimes he'll do the whole, "I understand & be sweet" thing & then a few days later he's back to acting like its whatever. I'm actually feeling really down right now. I'm always open with him about my feelings, and I honestly feel like I was wrong about thinking he'd be one of those sweet husbands during my pregnancy. He's far from it. I hope your problems work out though (:
  • @mommy3 and @mscheyla thank you you two actually see that u think things will be fine with them but its like hard to really know for sure because of their actions. @due8311 aww ur due date is the day after my b day congrats and I do understand what you and @birth_guru_22 are saying its just frustrating that he could be jealous I still give him all my attention and the fact he don't want to admit I could be makes me mad because I know how my body is and he won't admit that I'm gaining a little weight my abdomin area has gotten larger
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