i didnt know how to tell them either, but i kinda let my mind settle b4 telling anyone i started wit da easiest person to tell which was my father and he helped me tell my mother it wasnt easy but it had to be done, good luck hun i hope it goes well
Do you have any siblings? With my first son my brother heard through some mutual friends that I was pregnant so he mentioned it to my mom. She confronted me but I still didn't know what to say so she made me take a test in front of her, then she told me dad. They were very disappointed and yelled at me, but literally right after finding out supported my decision. I was 16 at the time. I am now 21 expecting my second child in July.
Yea dats da real hard part, I was da same time along at da time but it wld depend on how yu want her to precieve I guess and how yu guys r at comunicating..
I have to admit its a little hard. I started crying before i told my mom, but she already knew... I don't know how but she did. Just tell her, approach her in a moment when you are both calm and regardless of what happens try to stay calm. It's hard to admit to our wrong decisions but the fact is that we have a bundle of joy on the way and we have to stand up for what we did. I know i have all the support i need, and i love my baby my husband and im happy. You'll be fine hunn:)
thanks , ok so on facebook i seen mt bestfriend and older sis talkung bout me being prego my sister hasnt mentioned anything to me but im nervous she may have told my mom becausr my mons being weird throwing baby clues at me , im getting concsious . my baby daddy wants me to tell his mom but idk even know how to approach my own parents ufh this is so complicated but yes i am vety very blessrs to have a baby inside of me even at age 18.
@firsttimemommy . me and my mom communicate more my dad is very outspoken so im nervous to what ge has to say . i just dont want them to like kick me out or anything . im prepared for the disapointment
@perly im so sure i will cry and im not sure how to approach the situation . i just want to be 100% sure,im ready to tell her before i just blurt it out in a bad situation
Mom have a good way of knowing everything so dnt be supposed if she does already maybe have yur sister dere 2 then find a way yu can tell yur dad with yur mom as support
Honestly I called my Mom crying and told her. I waited till 7 months was so scared! Wish I would of told them sooner but honestly it wasn't as bad as I thought after all the screaming and crying we all came together.
I couldn't force the words out of my mouth so I just handed my mom my phone with a pic of my positive pregnancy test on it. It was hard even at 21 I was scared out of my mind. It has to be done though. Good luck!
@rockinmomma i been trying to get the words out and so far i chicken out , im planning to do it this weekend forsure . and another question im 6 weeks today should i start taking prenatels ?
Definitely. You can buy them over the counter, you don't have to have a prescription. At least make sure you're taking folic acid. Baby really needs it especially in the beginning
i was freaked out to tell my mom cuz i knew she be disapointed and she was at first but it helped that i told her b4 anyone else she is happy now and cant wait for her grandson, and im 20 but with my dad i bought some booties and gave them to him in a box and was supriced how suportive he was i thought he was ganna be disapointed parant can suprice you
I take the natures made prenatals with dha. They're kinda big though so if you have a problem taking pills then those aren't your best choice. Just check that they have atleast 27mg iron and 800mcg folic acid
Just tell her youll feel tons better!!! Mines were shocked n my mom already knew somehow we all cried as we talked bout it n they supported me youll b surprised
@mamato2boys yes i feel so much better , i feel way more supported