any teen moms? or first time moms? help please(:



  • I was 7 weeks
  • @elle_baby thnx(: i hope so because i know my mom isn't going to take it lightly :\ maybe my dad will lol
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe thanx!!! i hope you feel better i felt your pain many times it isn't fun having them:( awwww do you know what your having yet? good luck i hope it goes away fast(:
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  • I was 18 with my first. I didn't tell anyone for a few months. My parents were pissed but got over it when I sent.them the first US photo. I am 31 now and my son will be 13 this summer and we are having our second child now. Just remember its a great joy being a parent but it is a hard road. You can accomplish your goals but just keep on mind they might take a lil longer. Good luck!
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe awwww that's so cute i want a boy too but if i get a girl im okay with that too(: and your welcome!
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  • @braenin6 thank you (: i know that's what my friend told me when she got pregnant that she wasn't going to give up on her dreams that having a baby is just going to slow her down a bit and i believe that too. i am gladly going to graduate high school in june and then after i have my baby i am going to pursue my dreams of studying cosmetology and opening my own salon(:
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe awww yes as long as the baby is healthy is all that matters
  • With my first I was 18 turning 19 I was in college nd everything nd I was terrified to tell my dad since he was a single parent nd raised me,my sis,nd bro. Im the bby out of them nd I was so scared to tell him. I ended up tellin him when I was 4. Months nd well he surprised me nd actually was very happy we both cried. I cried cause I was confused tht he was happy lol nd he was crying cause he was happy lol. All he said was my bby is having a bby lol so it was a big weight of my shoulders so when u are ready jst remember it can go both ways good or bad jst prepare for the worst like I did so good luck I'm sure it'll be fine..I'm not 22 my son is 2 1/2 nd I'm expecting my 2nd which is a girl 35wks nd my dad is so attached to my.son nd excited to meet my daughter..good luck nd god bless
  • @iris_y_juan thanx(:!!!! i think my dad is going to do the same thing lol
  • Lol yea I'm like a big daddys girl so I was so afraid of breakin his heart but it turned out fine.. jst make sure ur ready nd like I said it lifts a lot a weight of ur shoulders nd its so much more fun to be excited about ur first bby with ur family then it is hiding from everyone
  • @iris_y_juan yeah i hope it does because i feel a little tense because somehow i feel like they know already
  • Yea my dad said he knew somethin was up cause I kinda didn't go around for like a month nd I was there every wkend lol
  • @iris_y_juan my mom is suspecting because she is like you don't even come out of your room or anything what's wrong lol my dad hasnt noticed since i hardly see him
  • My first dr appointment I was 6 weeks in which I did paper work.. They drew about 6 vials of blood and a pap smear.then I went back 2 weeks later and got A vaginal ultrasound. Then you'll have an appointment once a month until you hit around 28 weeks then it changes to twice a month.
  • edited March 2011
    Im 19 and im 15 weeks I told my mother right away she took pretty well my dad I hvnt yet a lil scared cuz I've always been a big daddys girl I dnt want to disappoint him and break his heart. My doc apt was paper work blood work a urine test pelvic exam and ultrasound. Im excited to find out the sex soon
  • @geelow I hated when they knew something was up before u told them lol but is ur mom really strict?? My dad was horrible lol thts y I was terrified to tell him
  • @Lauren0204Robert thanx (: im so excited for the ultrasound
  • @ahendricks09 omg im so scared to tell my mama my dad no worries even though i might break his a heart a tad bit since i am his only and first girl:| im too excited for evrything im just really scared for the labor and giving birth part
  • @iris_y_juan yes my mom knows something is oging on she is sorta strict but i know is a dissapointment cuz she is all like schoool and whats gonna happen ur too yung and all this but idc god sent me this blessing for a reason
  • Yea I was scared to disappoint my dad too but the bby is jst another reason to push forward nd succeed in life everything will be fine jst set ur mind to it nd dnt slack or give its about the bby not u or ur bf or anyone else
  • Yea im the only girl too.. and im nervous about labor and afterwards. And my mom told me she was going to tell my dad my parents are divorced and I stay with my mom nw only reason he hasn't found out cause im starting show.. but u hve to tell at least one of your parents if not both your going to really need the support good luck
  • Hey, I am also 17. I told my mom the night I out out. She was shocked at first but I am 3 and a half month now and she is really excited. She touches my stomach and talks to her grand baby. The daddy was shocked as well as me, I am married to the father, happily. Everything will work out for you!
  • I'm 18 and I'm 11 weeks ago. I took several pregnancy tests at home
    And I decided to tell my mom by saying I haven't gotten my period for a couple of months. And she asked if I was pregnant and I told her I might be. She didn't talk to me for a long time but we were very close and now are not and butsucks but I think its her lost because I want her there for me and my child but she decided not to. Good luck.
  • For me, the labor wasn't as bad as everyone told me it was going to be.

    Telling my parents was hard, and they didn't like it, but they live their grandson.:)
  • Im 19 and having my second. Me and bd have recently broken up. My mom has been way more supportive than I everrrrr imagined. With both babies she was there for everything. She loves my daughter, she is excited for my son. She is pissed at me beyond words but to her im her baby no matter what. We fight but she is an amazing mom and grandmother. I sat down and told her with my first, right away she took me to the doc. She was there through my mc. She was the same with my daughter, there for everything, and she has been amazing with my son as well. This is a complicated pregnancy and she has helped so much! You never know how patents will react, but you do need to tell them asap, they can help you in so many ways!
  • Im fixing to graaduate from college in two weeks, and I have my hs diploma. Im with my daughter if im not in class :) you can do whatever you want in life. A baby may cause it to take longer, but it doesn't mean it is impossible. Good luck ;)
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