any teen moms? or first time moms? help please(:

edited March 2011 in First time moms
so i think im about 7 or 8 weeks pregnant my scheduled appt to see my ob/gyn isn't until april 7 :\ nobody has a clue im pregnant but my bf and his mom im too scared to tell my parents :\ i'm only 17 but i will turn 18 in may. im kinda scared and nervous but happy at the same time since god has blessed me with having a child. so any advice on what the first appt is like? and when do you get your first ultrasound? and how to tell my parents?


  • My first appt I got an ultrasound and he done a pelvic exam and asked many questions
  • thnx (: how far along were you ?
  • Depends on were your going ..
    my first w/ my son was a pap smear i think the heart beat the next time..
    this time a pap smear and vaginal ultrasound ..
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  • Typically the first visit will consist of paper work and then they take a million vials of blood lol (not really, but they do take alot) every doctor is different though.
  • I'm 21 and I was terrified to tell anyone, let alone my mom or dad.but everyone is happy and excited. Just tell them when you're ready, but don't wait too long. At my first appointment I gave medical history, got all the do's and dont's and got bloodwork. I went back later that week for an exam and ultrasound. I was 6 weeks.
  • My first appt. I did paper work in ultrasound...I'm now 19 wks
  • My doctors office doesn't do ultrasounds so I had to make another appointment for that. I got my first at 10 weeks and I was able to see it move and wiggle it's arms and legs. At my first doctor appointment, they took some blood and urine, asked me and my husband a bunch of questions about family history, heritage, and any past diseases or drug use. I got a pelvic exam at my second appointment when I met my doctor because at the first one I just saw a nurse.
  • @Beatrice1436 thnx really help full i hear those pap smears hurt is that true?
  • Im not a first time mom but at my first appts with both of my kids they did a pelvic exam, an ultrasound to see how far along I was, sent me to the lab for bloodwork, and asked alot of questions! Good luck and congradulations! As far as telling your parents, I would just down right flat out tell them. Thats what I did. I mean they are gonna find out regardless if you decide to keep it. U will feel so much better after you tell them. My mother was very upset at first with both of my pregnancies but she got over it in about a week and now she is is so excited about this one and loves my four year old to death! Good luck and welcome to the mommy world! :)
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe thanx i kinda want to wait til my granparents leave because it's going to be hectic maybe i'll tell them on my birthday lol
  • I dont think it hurts ...just a little uncomfortable..but everyones different..
  • @loveourlittleone thanx i think the dissapointed one is going to be my ob/gyn since he put me on birth control and i didn't take it lol
  • I got a pelvic exam and they took some of my family history. I'm 19 with my first and it was still hard to tell my family. The babys daddys whole family knew before my family did. That's how nervous I was. I was 10 to 11 weeks when I told them. My mom was disappointed but said she would love me no matter what. The rest of my family was actually happy because they realized I was happy. What I am saying is it might be hard to tell them but they will love you no matter what and if they are upset they will come around eventually.
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  • @VictoriaB i think i might have to do what you did because i believe my doctor doesn't do ultrasounds in his office because when i went i never saw one and once when i had a cyst i had to schedule an appt at my nearest hospital for one
  • @LovingMyKids thank you so much (: your adivce sound very helpful (: i may want to try that and just sit em both down and be like im pregnant well at different times since my parents are divorced but thanx again (:
  • @Beatrice1436 oh i seee my friend said she got one and that it hurted but its true everyone is different on how they take pain
  • Ouch! When I had a cyst, I went to the er. I thought I was dying :( Luckily for me, the ultrasound place is like 2 blocks away from my doctor's office.
  • You should tell ur mom right away.. I told my mom when I was like 12 weeks. She was disappointed but now she can't wait for her "little man" to come. Haha that's what she calls my son. Im now 27 weeks pregnant and 17 as well. If you ever need help, just ask meee(: I've gone through a lot..
    are you still with the baby's father?
  • @xFirstTimeMomx thanks i hope my mom will turn around when i tell her because she thinks me and my boyfriend are too young still but i mean this just happened so i hope she understands but my boyfriends mom is the only one who know and some of her relatives too they are all excited about it. she too is a little dissapointed in us but she says she hopes this make us stronger. and i hope it does. im a little nervous but i hope everything goes well(: thanx for your advice!
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe oh well my grandparents live in mexico so it's easier for me if they leave because they are too judgemental i wish they weren't but they are they talk maddd stuff about me and my boyfriend thats why i dont want to tell her right now and plus they only come once a year so next time they come my baby will be a couples months old. but i am sure they will find out sooner or later since many of cousins have a facebook lol
  • @VictoriaB omg when i get them i think im dying too because for some odd reason the pain gets worse. i get em rarely once or twice a year but in july i thought i was dying because i could not stand the pain it was horrible i hate cysts
  • @zekesmomma1 thnx! i hope my mom takes it that way too (:
  • For some people pap smears hurt more while pregnant because u get tighter and more sensitive down there. I am 20 and when I told my mom I was like 3 months and now I am 5. I got the silent treatment mostly and rude comments. She just came around finally! So no matter what ur parents will probably be upset at first and they will just need time to cope with things and get used to it. I think the sooner they know the better so it can also be a huge weight off ur shoulders. Whenever you feel comfortable : )
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe :O omg you can still get cysts when your pregnant :\ grrr these damn cysts i hope i don't get one
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