i lost my baby

edited March 2011 in October 2011
I was due oct 5th. First pregnancy. Went to my doc appoint yesterday & there is no heartbeat. Had an ultrasound to confirm. I am supposed to be 13w but the baby stopped growing at 10 weeks. Now I am taking medicine to force my body to pass the pregnancy. ='( I don't know if I can do this again =(


  • Keep your head up girl. Lots of prayers to you.
  • Aww...I'm so sorry to hear that. I can not imagine how you feel. I hope you are going to be ok.
  • i am very sorry to hear that :(
  • Ah hun I am so sorry. I had a miscarriage in Nov, it was so hard. I know there isn't much you can say to make someone feel better but I am thinking about you xx
  • I m/c at 13 weeks. I know It's tough. My heart goes out to you<3
  • @littlenat86 how do you get thru it? I just can't stop crying
  • Soooo sorry for your loss. I also had m/c Sept 2010..worst thing EVER. Stay strong, it will get easier with time.
  • A lot of tears, I hope you have a good support system of family and friends, that really helped me. Make sure you get lots of rest. There was a time when I thought it would never get easier but it slowly does, even though you never forget. It's important to remember there is nothing you could do and its just one of those awful things that sadly happens to many people xx @Eva001
  • Did u have any symptoms or u diddnt have any at all that's why u went in for a scan? Andd I'm sorry for ur loss I've lost my little one 5months ago andd I'm terrified it might happen again:(
  • Its OK to cry. I lost my first also and I almost lost my second. Now I have 2 healthy boys and im preggers with a little girl. Time will heal the pain and you will find the courage to deal with another pregnancy. I had to tap into that courage with this pregnancy. Trust me I have lived through it. I'm not gonna pretend it was easy but will be get better. So cry if you have to and grieve the lose of your baby but believe that this to shall past and you will one day be a happy mommy. Will pray for you!
  • I'm so sorryyy hun :-S
  • I had the same exact thing happen in 09. It was difficult. I put the medicine in and the next day (mothers day) it happened. We decided to start very soon after. 1 doc said wait one cycle and the other said 3. I had one period (June) and was pregnant. I have a happy 1 year old. The way I think about it. Is that baby probably would have had health problems or something. I guess that was the only way I could get past it. I'm very happy now. Good luck. I'll pray for you.
  • Im sorry .. I will keep you in my prayers
  • I lost 2 back to back october and december I'm so sorry for your lose I barked my eyes out for months thinking about it I'm now almost 8 weeks the furthest I've made it in 5 years
  • I had a mc in oct it was one of the hardest things i had to do just cry ur eyes i didnt think I would try again but I went to my ob to talk about bc an I got a surprize I was prggo I am 11 weeks an thats when I lost the last one Ill will keep u in prayers sorry about ur lost
  • Thank you everyone <3 I had no symptoms in fact I was feeling really good. I had my first ob appoint on 3-2-11 & we heard the heartbeat. Went in yesterday for my 2nd scheduled appoint & there was no heartbeat. Doc did an in room u\s & said it stopped growing. Went for a real u\s to confirm then discussed my options. Waiting now for these pills to kick in. I want to try again. Doc told me to wait 3 months before we try. It helps being able to talk with women who understand. Thank you ladies =] my husband is wonderful but he can't feel the loss the same way I am feeling it ya know?! =(
  • Stay positive hun!! I know it hurts because I am going through the same thing!! This was my first baby as well. I went in for a regular 12 week checkup on Monday and they didn't find a heartbeat. I went through with a d&c that night because it was too hard for me to take. I didn't want to wait around for it to come out on it's own. Just remember everything happens for a reason and God has a plan =) Do not give up on trying again. I plan on giving it another shot as soon as this 3 month waiting period is over! Good luck!
  • Oh honey I'm so sorry! I know what that's like I had a miscarriage when I was 17 and it devestated me. I cried non stop I hated god I didn't want to do anything I wasn't myself for over a yr but what got me through it was knowing my baby (which god told me would've been a boy) and all my loved ones that passed are chillin in heaven looking out for me. We hve our own personal guardian angels hun. And now I'm. 30 weeks pregnant with another boy and a first I was terrified to lose this one to but he's almost here andhe has a personal guardian angel too. Its gonna suck big time no doubt but sooner or later you'll have a revelation and it won't seem so bad anymore. Promise.
  • I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! I'm sure it'll get better in time....good luck with all your future endeavors.
  • The docs thought I was 9 weeks but when I went for my u/s Mon the baby only measured 7w5d n no heartbeat. I go back this Monday for an ultrasound to see if the baby has grown n if they can find the heartbeat. He told me not to worry or stress but its hard! I haven't had any symptoms of mc but I'm so scared! My prayers go out to u!
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I had 3 miscarriages in 2006, swore I'd never try again, took antidepressants for a while, then ended up going to a grief counselor. Find what helps you. It's different for everyone. When you're ready, you will smile again, and that's ok. I felt guilty when I started crying less often. It took a long time to realize I wasn't forgetting. I was healing. I hope you feel better soon.
  • I know how that the is. I went through it twice last year. The same thing happened to my with he last one. I know you're hurting :( if you want a baby... don't give up hope. At least you know that you are fertile and that's half the battle. Just keep trying and stay positive... even in this dark time. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  • @DyaniC - I "know" this was a girl. I just know it in my heart. I can only hope that there was a good reason for this. That this baby just wasn't meant to be.

    @lil_bit17 {{{{ HUG }}}}
  • :( i'm sorry.
  • My heart goes out to you, I can only imagine how you feel :( I hope you feel better. Don't give up, it just wasn't time yet <3
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  • So sorry for you loss I've been there too and now I have a soon to be 3 year old and baby 2 on the way there is hope everything happens for a reason but it took getting my first delivered to realize it good luck!
  • I'm so sorry x
  • Its heartbreaking no doubt... and I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. But you're not alone. And we're here with common ground if you need/want to talk. Make sure to take the time for yourself to grieve and don't pay attention to those who will talk about another baby. Focus on this one and healing... its OK! That is soooo not important. And remember that as sad as it is, the fetus most likely had something wrong and this is your bodies way of protecting you and the unborn. He/she is in good hands... you'll both be in my prayers.
  • I'm so sorry, it happened to my sister and she was 16w. They got a puppy to help. She did get pregnant again a year later and just had her second. Give yourself some time.
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