what do you call your unborn?

edited April 2011 in Just for Fun
While its growing in you what do you refer to it as? I've heard nugget, bean, etc... my husband and I can't agree on what to call it until we find out the sex.


  • I was calling her "little button" at first, but now that I'm 27 weeks, I call her by what her name will be...or variations of it. Milla, Cammie, Lilla. She's going to be named Camilla Autumn.
  • We just call it baby sterling <== that's our last name
  • Jellybean, Hungry monster (just being silly), and the very original, Baby! Occasionally my little parasite :)
  • Lol, I've been calling it 'this kid.' I will call it by its name once I know what that is...
  • Pebble! :)
    I know a couple ladies not on Pregly that call theirs Sweet Pea and Munchkin.
  • Bean, lol! My 1YO was peanut, this one feels like a bean tho. I didn't call my older2 anything really, Idk y tho...
  • @magcaw ... I don't feel so bad now with the unoriginal name... I've been deathly sick for 6 weeks now with all day morning sickness so I've been calling it "the creature". My mom and husband said I need to find a sweeter name.
  • Lol, no, the creature sounds perfect to me! Haha! Tell them they can call the baby they're carrying by a sweeter name. ;)
  • @charlotteb .. I tried bean too but the husband didn't like that. I think he's just too picky. Lol.
  • Lol I call her my lil bug
  • Lil pumpkin since im due in october
  • @1stWoodsBaby "the creature" lol that's halarious.....we call this one joey....
  • i call my unborn by her name . mckenzie or kenzie . my boyfriend calls her princess or baby girl .
  • @1stWoodsBaby: Ahahaha! "The Creature" is funny as hell, & mine makes me really sick, even now, so I can totally relate to that sentiment. Sometimes I called her Devil Baby, but her dad is quite evil! ;) Lol!
  • Tell him he can call it whatever he wants, my BD called my last one tater cuz that was my craving. Taters in any possible form, lol!!
  • We have called ours little H (first letter of our last name) since we found out I was pregnant! I'm pretty sure the nickname will stick even after he's born...everyone calls him that lol
  • Little Blueberry because it was the size of a blueberry when I really started looking up pregnancy info.
  • Until we know what it is... We call it peanut. And it fits, cause after I haf my first u/s a at 10wks and saw it... The way it was laying it really did look like a peanut hehe.
  • We called her Astrid. We didn't know what she was. My mom called,her baby ass. We had everybody convinced we were naming her Astrid Eunice for the longest time. We now call her little shit, baby girl, or parasite. Were mean lol.
  • My fiancee calls him/her Spunkey :/ haha I keep calling him/her gilbert haha heard it on telly other day lol
  • i will refer to my unborn as my belly monster until monday when i can finally name it lol
  • Baby~ but he needs a name! 28 weeks today :)
    Fwiw my 15 year old calls him scrote (scrotum) because it rhymes with" wrote" his half brothers last name. Ai! Jealousy
  • We need a like option for comments... I keep telling hubby I want to name baby Chauncy
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  • I call her cup cake!! Bc my lil boy is baby cakes. Lol so I have baby cakes and cup cake :)
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  • edited April 2011
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  • Fergus the furnace-my husband came up with it, as my tummy us always so warm. Xx
  • I wuld call her my princess but my family calls her Minnie Mouse. My son calls her K.Cole bcuz he cnt say her nme 9/10 it will b Kaidyn Nicole.
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