I wake up on my back EVERYFREAKINGTIME!

edited April 2011 in Second Trimester
I have a body pillow, like 6 regular pillows, and a husband who takes up most of the bed and STILL wake up on my back. I make an effort to sleep on my sides but end up on my back. And what sucks is my sleep is so good...sigh, not sure what to do but my question is, how come it's bad ( I know the medical reason) for me to sleep on my back but when you're on bed rest or in labor it's perfectly fine?! Grrrr okay done venting! LOL :)


  • I was wondering the same because like you I always wake up on my back, but it seems like the only way I can sleep
  • Who knows but my Dr said u can sleep on your back but if you start feeling weird or baby stops moving then turn onto your side. If you pee a lot then you can get lots of rotation in :)
  • Try propping yourself up at a 35 degree angle and then you can sleep on your back. I wake up from time to time on my back it freaks me out but idk I feel like women have been having babies forever and how many of them slept on their backs? I know its not good but I am just hoping its not too bad! Good luck!
  • Lol thanks ladies needed someone on my side :) and I'm 21 weeks and as far as I've been told after 20 you're supposed to avoid being on you're back but dang I sure get my best sleep that way. Crazy part is before being preggo I ALWAYS slept on my sides, hows that for irony lol
  • My doc told me it cuts cirrculation off in ur legs id give anythi.g to sleep on my back but at 34wka big no no lol
  • That makes sense, I have enough pillows to accomplish that, I shall give it a try. This is my first baby so I'm terrified of messing up lol thanks :)
  • Really? Well thats no good lol I've got a while to get to where you are but I need to wean myself off of this cause then ill miss it, you're almost there! So lucky! I feel like I'm gonna be preggo like 14 years at this rate lol
  • Lol yea I feel like that im soo ready lol I just want to sleep on my stomach again lol right now I just want to sleep but max wont let me feels likes he's doing splits lol kicking on each side
  • You have a big artery in your back, that when you're further along then 28wks your baby could potentially lay on and cut off circulation. If that happened you'd wake up light headed and dizzy before anything major happened. Laying on your side is just a precaution.
  • It doesn't supply the full amount of oxygen to the baby and its hard on ur heart I get short of breath laying on my back
  • I always wake up on my back too.no matter how many pillows I use.
  • And I 30 weeks
  • Unless your doc tells u otherwise your fine. I was only told to sleep on my side because of my blood pressure. My second was fine I slept how I wanted no problem. Don't worry about it!
  • My Dr. Told me after 20 weeks to sleep on my side. She said it supplies the most blood flow to the placenta. My husband has some kind of radar and wakes me up when I'm on my back.. I find propping pillows puts me at an angle and it helps..
  • You have a big artey on the right side of ur back. That supplise blood to the plecenta. Ur suppose to sleep on the left side so there is the least amount of presure on that artery. I think that sleeping just on ur left side is impossble. I just enjoy the fact that I sleep period because I don't get a lot to begin with and there isn't a lot in my future with three little ones under the age of 5.
  • A couple of weeks ago, when I was 18 weeks along, I woke up to my 2 yr old calling my name at the top of the steps in the morning. I jumped out of bed and immediately fell on the floor. My left leg went numb while I was sleeping! Luckly my husband could grab my son. I must have been sleeping on my back. I sat on the side of the bed until the feeling came back a few mind later. Sorta freaky, but it can happen.
  • It could because a pregnant women complain about breathin problems.
  • Just FYI, women on bed rest I think are generally told to stay off their back too. There are even cases of very strict bed rest where the woman is to try to stay on her left side all the time (absolutely impossible I am sure).

    I spent one night of clinicals in nursing school in the labor and delivery department. For the one delivery I got to actually be a part of, the RN kept having me go to the patient's room and prop her up on her side with a pillow. We just shoved the pillow under a hip and it alleviates pressure on the vena cava (big blood vessel). Then the patient would move around and the pillow would shift, the RN would be watching the fetal monitors, and tell me to go back and do it again! I did that several times throughout the night.
  • Thanks everyone that answered, I'm going to try proping myself up better that's for sure. I really don't want to do anything that's bad, I just wake up and it seems like that's the way I'm always laying. Since it's my first and my momma passed away a couple years ago it's hard to not have someone to ask all these little questions too.
    so this will be long hahah @babymaxisontheway I LOVE the name Max, I would call him Maximus all the time haha- and yeah I'm just starting to feel Leora, it's like bubbles poping in stomach so weird, I can sleep on my stomach too but it's starting to get uncomfortable @rockinmomma I'm gonna try my hardest to stop since I'm getting close, although I haven't woke up dizzy or anything yet, don't want anything to start happening like that, but still you made me feel better about it :) @mrsmom how far along are you? I haven't reached that point where it makes me feel weird, but I think I'm gonna get one of those preggo pillows that supports your front and back so that it makes me stay on my side @katiemcmillan12 that's my issue too! I just can't help it I guess and I have a full body pillow too and it does nothing to help @ghettobetty thanks! that's good to hear, I figure my body will tell me whats good and what's not @jenzoe1 my husband sleeps like a freaking log unless I'm tossing and turning lol-I guess I'm gonna have to make a better effort @lilbabythree you have guts I must say! lol- but I'm sure it is worth it but so many little ones you better sleep allll the time that you can, congrats! at least you know they will all leave the house about the same time haha @Kylee1135 OMG! I'm glad everything is okay, that's scary, I need to take more care than @BOWsMommy makes sense to me, I'm trying I guess not good enough :( but I will try to make a better effort that's for sure, that must have been frustrating to do that over and over again, but you're obviously a good person :) Sorry so long guys, its too hard to type all this on my phone so I end up waiting until I can get on my laptop. Congrats to all the fellow preggos!!! :X
  • I do too flat and on not one pillow lol I can't breathe n im extra sleepy.
  • @mommyto1soontob2 lol same here! I'm surrounded by pillows and still end up flat on my back hahahaha- sucks that you can't breath tho :( and I'm always extra sleepy. Everyone kept saying second trimester that I would get energy back and be able to make it a day without a nap FREAKING liars! lol I stilllll take a nap everyday and can't make it through a movie haha
  • Maximus Oliver lol
  • @babymaxisontheway I freaking LOVE that name!! I would love to yell at him when he's in trouble just to say it hahaha :)
  • My hubby tells me that pregnant women can actually pass out from laying on ur back. I have actually passed out during this pregnancy( I was at the mall) it was so embarassing.luckily I woke up with my honey holding me off the ground. It was the scarriest thing ever. If u start to feel faint or out of breathe move to ur side.. and seriously avoid laying totally flat on ur back like on the floor without pillows cuz it puts a lot of stress on the uterus and baby.. hope this helps. Good luck hun.
  • Well my boobs are so big they smother my neck lol.
  • @mommyto1soontob2 hahahahahahah!!! I allmost wish I had that issue, I'm still a b cup, that's is way too funny
  • II faint outta no reason n never knew y docs never found cause ive passed out in shower hit faucet woke up to tub part running water on my face almost drowned. so I sit down the sec I get the signs
  • @newmommyofone ohhh that's scary!! I'm glad you're okay! my husband said he will buy me one of those preggo pillows with the next check but until then I'm going to try proping myself better, I actually think I should put the pillows under the sheets so they can't move around when I'm sleeping since that has to be why I fall asleep propped on them but wake up with them everywhere
  • @mommyto1soontob2 that's scary! maybe you have low blood sugar? my brother was a diabetic and he got like that. Maybe you're hypoglycemic?? I know that can cause fainting and dizzy spells
  • You could always get a snoogle! Lol its an awesome pregnancy pillow that I got at babies r us for about 60$. Totally worth it, gave me my sleep back :)
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