Possable Miscarriage?

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
So this morning I had my 10 week appointment. Everything was going great until my doctor did the transvaginal u/s. She said the baby measured the right size but didn't have a heartbeat. She said I was having a miscarriage but I haven't had any cramping or bleeding like I did in my last two miscarriages. Is there anyway she could be wrong?


  • I don't have an answer for you, sorry!! Sending hugs and happy thoughts. I will pray everything is ok! :)
  • She's probably not wrong. : ( Sometimes it takes awhile for your body to realize something is wrong and the bleeding to start. It probably just happened, since the baby is the right size.
  • More than likely because baby's normaler do have heartbeats around that time. It's just weird that it measures the right size you might just wanna go and get another u/s done because I heard before that babies stop growing but not that they continue growing when there is no heartbeat. Good luck
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  • They should hear the heart beat. But maybe they just missed it, it is the right size. I would def. Want another u/s. Hope everything goes ok
  • Thanks everyone. I have another u/s in a week.
  • Oh my gosh...good luck, what a long wait this will be for you! I am so sorry that you have to go through this! And you've already had two miscarriages? I will pray for you and that little baby.
  • Praying for you...I'm so sorry:(
  • This also happened to me at 10 weeks. My first u/s the baby measured on target but no heart beat. I had another u/s the same day and it confirmed the miscariage had just happened. I waited but no cramping or bleeding so I had to have a dnc. I am so sorry for you it was the hardest thing I hav had to go through. This was in january and I am now ten weeks preg again my appt is tues for my u/s.
  • I am so sorry you will be kept in my prayers =((
  • I would definately get a second opinion! I had a miscarriage not to long ago. I just had a d&c last Monday. I didn't have any cramping or bleeding whatsoever. The baby passed at 9 weeks 5 days but I carried it till 12. I wish u the best of luck. Keep us posted!
  • Sorry for ur loss..I pray for the best..I am having a miscarriage now and the baby measures 6 wks 5dys it still had a heart beat sunday but I lost it monday I was 10 wks 3 dys Sunday im 11 wks now and still waiting to "pass" everything. My first miscarriage I had a u/s and the baby was measuring bigger than my due date but had no heart beat..im really sorry..fingers crossed everything is ok!
  • Keeping my fingers crossed as well. Good luck hope your doctor is wrong.
  • All I can say is I'm so sorry. Get a second opinion and I'm praying for you :( I hope you find the heart beat. I'm soooo sorry
  • edited April 2011
    I am so very sorry. I had this happen as well. Its called a missed miscarriage. Its a terrible thing to go through and I'm just so sorry. I had a second opinion upon finding out and even though it didn't make things better, it still helped me come to terms with it.
  • I think that the doc was rite =( you prob went rite around the time the baby died. I had a m/c at 6 weeks with my last pregnancy and it was an empty sac..so basically i went 6 wEeks before my body recognized it n passed it. but how did she look for the heartbeat? Ultrasound rite? Thats the best way at 10weeks
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