8wk5dy & still no frequent urination. Anyone else?

edited April 2011 in First Trimester


  • Don't complain...I am on 3rd trimester and its wwwaaaayyyy worse than the first. Be happy you don't have it yet!
  • Yes..im 16 wks now ..but since i was 7 wks or maybe sooner ..always have to pee ..especially at night
  • edited April 2011
    i didnt start having to pee all the time till 20 weeks but everyone is different i think i was just lucky :)
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  • Ok. Just didnt know if I should be concerned.
  • Opps I thought it said frequent ..well w/my son I didn't have to pee alot till I was huge!!
  • I'm up at least 4 times a night to pee. Ugh!
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  • U may not be drinking enough water.... U should be drinking at least 72oz of water a day
  • @pnkstrzgrl I thought they may have been it but now im drinking ALOT of water & Gatorade when water doesnt quench my thirst. Those are the only 2 things I drink.Still nothing happens.
  • I dontvpee that much either. I thought id be peeing every hour on the hour but I think I only pee 6-7times a day
  • Most of the time I don't pee anymore then before I was preg, I could work a 12 hr shift and not pee the whole time, but then there are times I fill like I'm going to pee my self. I'm 11 weeks
  • Most of the time I don't pee anymore then before I was preg, I could work a 12 hr shift and not pee the whole time, but then there are times I fill like I'm going to pee my self. I'm 11 weeks
  • I'm 14 weeks now and never saw an increase. I still only use the bathroom 2-3 times per day. My entire life I've always had a bladder the size of a camel's back though. My mom said I hardly wet my diaper as a baby. I'm sure my luck will change in about 3 months. LoL.
  • I am 8 wks 4 days I dont pee a lot either I think its normal cuz the bbys not big yet so nuthing is pushing on our bladder.
  • I did have it till I was in my 10th week.I wouldn't worry
  • I always peed alot so there's no difference for me.
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