We are using a pack and play at first since we are moving about a month after she is due and we will be sharing a room at that point so she'll go into her crib then.
We have a co-sleeper...like a bassinet combined w a pack n play. It's so nice for when we r going somewhere overnight cuz its smaller than the pack n play, which we have and never use. I love it but w everything else we have we don't have the space or need for it
I like pack n plays with the diaper changer plus bassinet attachment. Make sure you get a sturdy one (I prefer the graco brand) . I like how I can transport it from room to room. I have a crib in the nursery but I don't think ill be using it til he gets a few months older and I'm not so scared to leave his side. The bassinet by itself is sort of a waste of money because you can only use it for like 3 months til safety regulations get in the way.
P.s. when my son got too big for the bassinet area, I just layer extra blanket down in the play pen for comfort and let him nap in there. It worked out good.
Im going for the 3in 1 pack n play.... Have a crib but would like the baby near me for a couple months at least.... In my room.... Live the new styles.... When ny now 11 year old was a baby they were just big squares.... Lol she slept in that cuz i could afford a crib.... From that to a toddler bed. Never had a sleeping problem...
I love the Chicco pack n play! it has a bassinet, play gym, vibrations,changing table, music capable, and even a nightlight Its kinda expensive so I'm looking on CL. I'm going to use that at first then get a crib later.
I would go for that one! With my son We were given a pack n play with bassinet. He slept in that for he first 6 months. If I could afford a new one I would get that, but will just be using what we have. My son still sleeps in my moms pack n play when he us over there every week or two, and does fine. he is 17 months but short....
I got the pack n play because it can br uses for a long time... and it was affordable for me... I plan on putting extra blanket to sleep on so more comfy From what I heard kolkraft isn't good brand but I never used it...
Get all three and decide what works best for you! everyone is different so you will get different opinions on this! I personally after having 2 get a crib and have a cradle. I like the baby sleeping in my room while a newborn and definitely like baby sleeping in crib. Mommy needs beauty sleep. Personally I don't like messing with pack n plays or whatever you want to call them. I don't like them. I prefer to baby proof and teach my baby early no no's. Everyone is different you just need to find out what works best for you. Don't stress it!
We plan to do a Pack-n-Play in the bedroom with a sleeper and a crib for naps and for when the baby grows out of the sleeper. I feel like a bassinet is sweet, but considering money and space vs length of use I feel like Pack-n-Play wins by a landslide for our little family.
Its kinda expensive so I'm looking on CL. I'm going to use that at first then get a crib later.
From what I heard kolkraft isn't good brand but I never used it...