does anyone know the chances of a second miscarriage

edited April 2011 in November 2011
I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks in dec I am now 11 weeks pregnant.I am making a doctors appointment tomorrow and will be 12 weeks thur.I am affraid I'm gonna lose this baby.when does the chances go down


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  • Its no higher than having a miscarriage the first time around. I had a miscarriage back in june 2010 and that's what my dr told me. Got pregnant in august and now 35 wks and everything has been normal so good luck the chances go down after 12 wks
  • It depends on the reason for the miscarriage, I think. If it was a random one like they normally are, there's no higher risk. If there was a specific reason for it, then you may be more likely.
  • My doctor said it was a chromosome problem most likely.I feel like I have all normal signs and I had really bad back pain with my last miscarriage but idk if it had to do with the uti I had.did anyone have a chromosome miscarriage
  • I had one at 4+ weeks & now im preggo again at 8wks3days
  • I had my first miscarriage Jan 08 then I got pregnant again Sept 08 had my daughter and at birth she was diagnosed w down syndrome which means she has 47 chromosomes instead of 46 after havin her I had another miscarriage at 8 weeks, the dr said my husband and I may not be compatible to have bbys. Our babys will either lack chromosomes or have to many, but im currently expecting and just waiting to see wht happens...

  • I had my daughter 15 months ago tomorrow, we unexpectantly got pregnant 3 months after she was born and lost the baby at 11 weeks on mothers day last year because baby had a extra chromosome, which causes 80% of miscarriages. Im now 32 weeks 2 days along with another very healthy little girl, so no it doesn't mean you have a higher risk or that you have higher chances at a baby with other problems sweetie, its something that randomly happens. :)
  • I wouldn't worry about it to much. It doesn't happen a lot that you get 2 in a row. The rate drops to 5% after a heard beat is seen and than to 2% after 12 weeks so once you start week 13.

    Try to relax and not to stress yourself and if you think something is wrong see/call your doctor
  • Chances go down at 12 weeks
  • Ty I had a doctors appointment earlier today and found out I lost the baby again.I can't carry one past 12 weeks and don't know why
  • Im so sorry for ur loss, hopefully they figure out why u cant carry past 12 wks
  • @dueoct27 sorry for your loss. Praying for good things to come your way, and just know that when you make it to week 13, the worrying won't stop, but you'll have reason to celebrate. I never thought I would after ectopic and losing another baby. please be strong, we are all thinking about you and even if it doesn't help now, sending our hearts out to you.
  • So sorry @dueoct27. My dr told me you have to have 3 in a row before they'll look at them being connected.
  • i had a still birth in 2009, i was 20weeks, and another one in march 2011, 15 weeks.....
  • im sorry for your loss, i know how heartbreaking it is to go thru that, may god bless you and my prayers are with you..
  • They tested my first miscarriage because I passed the baby in the hospital.they said it was chromosome problem.I just need to find something that's wrong I want a baby and will do anything I have to.
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