Freaking out over my boyfriends recent doc appt..

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My boyfriend has been feeling dizzy and has chest pains and stomache pains so he got a complete exam today. They tested him for HIV which made me realize ive never been tested for it, doc said some of his symptoms could be caused by it.... and now im scared, what if he actually has it?? Then i have it and it will be passed onto baby!!! What will this mean for my baby boys life?? Ive been with him for almost four years and he certainly would not have gotten it from me. Now i have all these thoughts running thru my head... not only that but he has to go to the hosp on monday and get his stomache tested for infection, or any heart problems cuz it runs in his fam... gah! Its all so nerve wracking! but im just so worried now about possible hiv...:(


  • When does he get his results?
    If you do have doesnt necessarily have to be passed to the baby. There id a medicine that can help that. Good luck hunnie.
  • They are supposed to call him... thats good to know tho that atleast it doesnt have to be passed on!
  • He never was tested before? Especially since the two of you met he didn't say he was neg?
  • have u gone 2 the doctor urself?! at least 4 ur regular checkup 4 ur pregnancy??? did u have blood tests done??? before i even went 2 my 1st docs appt, i went 2 my counties health dept & they automatically did an hiv test on me...just a pinch on my finger..& it came back negative...thank God...but havent you already gotten tested 4 that!?
  • Good luck. I pray you and your Fam are all neg...
  • Didnt ur Dr test u for it wen u got pregnant its by law mandatory here for every pregnant woman to be Testd.
  • Ive had anual pap smears done, never was told anything at those appts... but then again i just never would have thoyght to ask for it specifically :/ do they normally test that with paps? No hes never ben tested before either. I trust him and just never even thiught of it b4
  • I think that they test you for that at your ob's appt. How far along are you?
  • A rapid hiv test should have been done at the hospital he would have found out before u left there n it would have shown up on ur regular pregnancy check ups
  • when u went 2 ur 1st docs appt 4 ur pregnancy, did they do blood work!? im confused...ur doc is supposed 2 do an HIV instantly...
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  • All prenatal clinics test for hiv with the first set of blood they draw.
  • My 3rd pregnancy an everytime they do a hiv an hepatitis b test they take about 5 tubes of blood. I'm 11 wks an Jus had mine done an my Dr Sed it mandatory for all pregnant women
  • Ok.. yeah i did have a blood test my first appt... doc never said anything tho... im going to bring it up at my appt this week thanks for all the input.. everytime i see my doc it ladts luke five min they are not very informative. Thanks everyone! I really dont think i need to worry now i was never told nething bad about my blood test. Whew!
  • i had 8 tubes of blood taken 4rm me :(
  • if they never told u anything about it, im sure ur fine...just next time if u have ANY questions at all, make sure to ask!!!! no matter what!!! theyre there for a reason...ask at ur next visit neways just 2 be on the safe side :)
  • Jeez i cant even remember my first appt.. im only 26 wks!! Thanks prego memory lol!
  • I live in Ohio and I just got my bloodwork done a week ago. The HIV test was not mandatory, in fact, I had to sign a special consent form to have it done.
  • now i just gotta remember to ask! :)
  • thats what my bf said he needed to sign a form and i dnt remember signing anything... im from WI
  • My Dr nevr told me either so then wen I got pregnant with my second baby I Jus asked an they Sed everythang is fine an if sumthn was wrong they wuld have called me rite away.
  • I didn't sign anything they Jus told me it was mandatory I wuld have to sign if I wantd the thyroid test they offer
  • Hm.. maybe just depends on the clinic or hosp?? Cant wait til my appt now i have so many questions :/
  • Yea ur prolly fine if they took a lot of bloodwork I wuld think that's Wat it was for but idk. They didn't tell me wit my first Wat it was for I had to ask. Yea I wuld defiantly call or ask wen u go bak good luck!
  • They can prevent the transfer to the fetus now. You may want to tell your dr to take precautions. Im pretty sure it has a time limit.
  • I also had to sign a consent form for a hiv test to be done. So they might have not done one
  • @ My first prenatal appt they tested me for HIV and other stuff. I don't know if its mandatory, but if u have an option to opt out u'd definitely know...
  • I don't no where your from but where I live they test for everything at first exam when pregnant
  • I'm from Ohio & it is mandatory.... they took 15 tubes of blood from me & tested me for everything.
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