What won't you use?



  • @jbandno3 that's a good one.
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  • Bumbos were the best invention EVER! Wipe warmer is definitely a waste of money, glad I knew that before I had a baby so I never wasted money on it. I also think video monitors are a waste of money.
  • What's a bumbo??
  • I won't use disposable diapers, I signed up for a service. Ill try not to use pacifier this time. Both were hard to kick. I like my sisters bumbo but never felt the need for my own. Will use carrier sling more than stroller too.
  • Hmmm, well I was pretty conservative the first and second time. I actually will use everything I had the first 2 times around. I have the crib, swing and bouncy seat...luife savers for me... but I don't have a genie...just a pail and with 2 toddlers that was essential. I dont have a bumbo or pack n play. But bassinett and bath tub were awesome for me. -
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  • I think I need to invest in a bumbo
  • diaper genie, bassinet, changing table, and when she's older I'm not going to buy a ton of brand new toys for her- i did with my son for the longest time and he preferred the boxes or dollar tree toys over the newest thing fisher price came out with. i also dont plan on using a binky
  • @Seifer12211 why won't you use a changing table?
  • @ Alana i never used it with my son, it just took up space, and our house is a 2 bedroom (we have a mortgage and with the first time home buyers credit we gotta stay here for 5 yrs to pay back the money when we got it in 08) anyways though, my son and the baby have to share a room, and i always just laid a blanket down on a bed or couch and changed my son. it worked. sorry for explaining so much :)
  • Whats a bumbo?? :-?
  • It's a hard seat babies sit in ^
  • I think I will get pack n play, they reminded me of play pens which I never used, but since u can pack it up for vacation I'm sold.
  • @Seifer12211 oh okay that makes sense. :)

    @Jaime77 I never thought of traveling with it.
  • I'm totally getting a pack n play. That's gonna be my baby's crib. I like that its portable, has wheels, storage, a hamper, and a changing table on it! My apartment is itty bitty, so no room for a wooden crib. Plus I think they're kinda ugly.

    I have to agree on the diaper genie, seems kinda dumb. The wipe warmer is a neat idea, but I think the baby can deal with a cold wet wipe. I'm not using pacifiers because I don't want to fight to take it away.
  • @VictoriaB yeah no need to warm the wipes when they can use a cold one
  • I won't use a wipe warmer.
  • I use a wipe warmer for my self and I love it!! Im going to use it with my princess! But I keep up with it they have filters that need to be replaced
  • It's actually not healthy for newborns to sleep only in the pack &play but I guess everyone does what they think is right.

    I own one but not for my baby to sleep in all the time I have a bassinet for the first couple month and than a crib with a firm mattress.
  • I'm surprised at all the diaper genie hate, lol! I really loved mine, it was handy to have right by the changing table and not have to walk outside everytime we had a dirty diaper.

    I think I used almost everything I had except those cart and highchair covers. Those were such a hassle, I never messed with them. Baby bath tubs too, baby just took a bath with me. Or one of us would wash her in our shower and pass her out to the other to dry and dress.
  • I didn't have a wipes warmer, and actually, no bottle warmer either! She liked bottles cold from the fridge.
  • I raised way to many babies before I had one of my own so I never really fell into "must have" baby junk.
    My mom got my son a bumbo which just seemed like a space waster to me, but I will admit once I realized the bumbo suction cuped securely to the built-in seat of my shower. . . It was quickly raised to a place of high importance in the running of my house hold.
  • @beaded_bunny sounds like a good idea
  • Our real must haves were a swing and the bouncy seat!! I had a diaper wipes warmer and my daughter liked it nut it wasn't neccesary and sometimes it dried the wipes out >:p
  • I would never waste my money on a lot of things. I guess I have been lucky and not really had to get too many things other then bottles, diapers, wipes, binkys and the like. I got a crib for my first child brand new as a gift from my grandparents and a bouncer from the dads grandparents. Other then that most of what I get are gently used from other moms who have taken care of thier things. I would never buy a diaper genie because well that is what trash cans are for, and if they smell too bad they will just go to the outside cans first. I wouldnt have a wipe warmer or a bottle warmer because if it was really an issue the i could warm them myself. I understand that it may take a little time to do it myself, but where is the fun in being lazy ;) (joke) I never got a changing table with my other children ( i got one for free from my bd mom this time) because, well you can change a baby diaper anywhere, on the floor, on a couch, on a bed. Just use the little mat thing and bam instant diaper changing station. I mean unless I am constantly in the baby room just seemed pointless. Although I will admit, my babies only slept in thier rooms. I always had them in the living room with me, which is why I had a pack n play (given to me mind you) which I would totally reccomend to anyone. They are convienient for taking the baby to friends houses family houses or just outside if you want. yeah looking back I guess i lucked out not having to spend too much money
  • @KalikoJenie we have a pack n play in our room, in the basement, in the family room, & kitchen. We got a lot of pack n plays at the baby shower.
  • @Alana I loved mine as well as the swings that i recieved, but seems like a lot of things just were a waste of money on my children., Although i feel bad, This baby has a lot of things that were just given to me and I feel that this baby is going to be more spoiled then my last were (new bd and it is his first and a boy)
  • @KalikoJenie yea they are awesome.
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