What won't you use?



  • I DISLIKE the bumbo whatta waste. I LOVE the wipe warmer never had a problem with dry wipes. This time around I ditched the biuncy chair n swing and purchased a mamaroo in place as it works as both
  • @Momma_luvz_her_4 what's a mamaroo?
  • Its a seat that that multi positions. Has differant modes like carseat so it moves as if the baby is in the car, rocking etc. diff speeds music mobile and u can hook up your I pod with your own music. Google it its sooooo cool its made by 4moms. It comes in all kinds of colours too. I already purchased 1 a couple months ago. Cayse im from canada n these do not last. I was on a waiting list for it. @alana
  • The baby jumper is the thing both my kids liked the best. And I do use nuks until like 10months just because of the studies they have done saying it helps prevent Sids. What I wont use is probably the swing. I really hope this baby likes it so I can though. I bought a really expensive one when I was pregnant with my 3 year old and neither one of them liked it so hopefully this one will like it. Fingers crossed
  • @mom60511 you could always sell the swing.
  • Bathtubs, diaper genie, and the daddy..
    Lol he's useless
  • Why not diaper genie? Does it not work?
  • Yeah I just really want to use the dang thing LOL @Alana.
  • It works just like a trash can with super expensive refills
  • @mom60511 lol I bet you do
  • @jessicals200 the diaper genie worked for me, but I always changed my daughter on the changing table...cus I think it's gross to change them all over, lol! It was better at hiding the smell than a regular can.
  • @Alana it is a graco sweetpeace. That swing has everything. I would sleep in it if I could
  • @mom60511 wow. & ur kids didn't like it?
  • No you would think They would realize How much it costs @Alana
  • @laura536 yeah I just bought one! I hope it works ! Ty!
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  • @mom60511 my niece loves that thing!
  • @Alan and @Jamie77....pack and plays are great for traveling or camping and if your doing yard work or cleaning the house. It was and still is a godsend waste of money. We use ours all the time with traveling with our 22 month old.
  • My daughter was born in Dec and the wipe warmer came in handy. Pack n plays are awesome. The bumbo was great for her to sit in when i started feeding her cereal. I loved the boppy for bottle/breast feeding. My daughter absolutley loved her jumperoo. I think the only thing I didn't really use was her swing because she hated it.
  • What's wrong with the diaper genie? Just need to know this is my first child and i don't want to get things that I won't end up using.
  • @laura536 we did the same with the bath just worked better I didn't like to fool with the bath tubs but my mom had one of those travel tubs I think its called fits in her sink loved it @mom6051son never used his swing either lol thought I was the only one im with ya on the no wipe warmer no diaper genie thing I did use my changing table alot and also I will not buy another crib we used a co sleeper and the pack and play was ok for a playpen but sent it to grandmas so he can sleep in it there
  • @chelseapie nothing wrong with it the refills are kinda expensive
  • @chelseapie apparently its a waste of money
  • @alana I gathered that much just wanted to know why exactly lol.
  • @chelseapie lol oh okay. Sorry
  • I hate my diaper Genie. Seriously, mine never covered up the smell. Every time I opened the thing to put a diaper in, it smelled Luke something died and then stink up my house. Waste of money. Wouldn't use a diaper stacker either, or a mobile, and my kids' legs were too chubby to fit in a bumbo. And a breast pump, those things hurt worse than the baby not latching correctly. Unless I was just having issues
  • also I got lucky with the tub, used it with both my kids, you put it on the counter and it has a drawer for your cleaning stuff. then when baby got older to sit up the drawer came out and hooked on the side of the tub then the tub slides on and is able to have your baby sitting up. need to find another one. also need to buy a swing, both my kids had acid reflux bad and having them in a swing helped me get some sleep.
  • @countrymommaof2stb3 thanks for the input on the diaper genie
  • Thank youuuu.
  • 100% agree diaper genies and such are completely useless.wipe warmers I don't care for them but my friends son screams if u use a wipe that is not from a warmer.I 100% love bumbo seat.I feed my son in it.he played in it,I traveled wit it.life saver.I also love pack n plays only for travel or outside when there too small to walk.I however will not be using a changing table I didn't use them as much as I thought I would so this time why bother.I use the water proof pads and change them on bed and couch I buy the big pads though so no accidents anywhere.
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