What won't you use?



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  • @Almost4 I just saw this. Sorry
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  • @alana its all a matter of personal opinion to be honest and u won't know until u try something urself. If I didn't know about any of these products and based my purchasing decision on the comments ur getting, personally I feel I would be missing out on some excellent products! For example...my son LOVED the bumbo seat, I LOVED the wipe warmer (they sell pads to place inside to keep the wipes moist so that they don't dry out!), over the sink bathtub b/c its so much easier instead of bending over in the regular bathtub, and we loved the pack n play and we took it with us everywhere we went. One thing I LOVED but didn't see mentioned was this alarm/monitor by bebe sounds I think..it goes under the mattress in the crib and sets off an alarm if there is no movement/sound for a certain amount of time (like 20 seconds)..a close friend of mine lost her baby due to SIDS which scared me to death! That product gave me some peace of mind, again not a necessity it just put me more at ease! I believe they still sell it at walmart. There are a lot of products out there that are solely for convenience, back in the day there was none of this and pple survived...so register for what u feel would fit ur lifestlye and if ur looking to save money shop at thrift stores! :)
  • I love the bumpo but my 2nd has chubby legs-noticed his legs and feet turning purple :( but he was still happy in it lol. My now 2 yr old loved it-will still sit in it if u let him but he gets stuck. The bottle warmer is awesome for me-I've had milk producing issues so I start pumping right away so that my dd can b on longer and it goes so much faster to warm frozen milk. We spent some good money on ours tho-it works great for warming baby food too.
    The diaper stacker was a waste, we returned the wipes warmer, the changing table makes for great storage lol. I used it a lil w my first but my dd hasn't been on it yet (12 days old). Glad we had 3 kids...hardly used the boppy otherwise (I got a super cheap one that worked great for sitting on after my first tho...for anyone that tears-so much better for sitting. My mom said she used one of those blow up pool rings after she tore w me). We bought one new too...once in a while ill use it but not much.we've hardly used the pack n play but I'm glad we have it...the few times we used it was a great help.and worth every penny I didn't spend lol (it was a gift from my mil). I refuse to spend a lot of money on their clothes-they either outgrow it or ruin it anyway! Baby depot has great prices on lil suits ($15-25) and dresses...I'm not about to spend $30+ on an outfit they will wear once or twice. I agree w the new toys comment-kids don't care if they r gently used or cheap! I will use rummaged sales and get stuff from 2nd hand stores-just wash it really good first.
  • I dont see the need for those 70.00 Bumbo seats, its stupid they will learn! Change tables such a waste as well! Also, bottle warmers. The things they say.we cant live without, people did it for thousands of years without the prtty "must havs" we still survived lol
  • We gave our kids cold bottles...started them young-I.was glad we did cuz there were times when we were out and about and all I could get was cold water...was just in a store not that long ago and couldn't get warm water out of their faucet...stupid store
  • $70? I thought the were like $30 (still not cheap but not $70) I don't know for sure as we received ours as a gift. I've thought about investing in the tray...anybody have one w tray, any opinions would b appreciated
  • I want a bumbo this time. I never used a diaper genie or wipe warmer I think its pointless. I just keep a trashcan in my garage for poop diapers. One thing I won't do this time is buy different kinds of bottles its to hard to keep the pieces straight only one type for us.
  • The one we got came to close to 70 here, thy go second han for 40
  • Either way useless item in my opinion
  • Oh man this is my third and there is SOOO much I wouldn't use again. I feel like most baby things just take up space, cost money and are pointless! I won't get a wipe warmer, poppy pillow, diaper Genie, swing, bumbo seat, changing table, baby bath, huge bulky stroller, shopping cart cover, expensive crib and the list goes on and on. Only planning on diapers, wipes, the pack n play I already have, baby shampoo and clothes..that's it! And maybe a pacified or two
  • @bishopsmommy I'm not sure what store u got yours at but u got ripped off if u paid 70 dollars...its currently going for 39.99 and the tray is 9.99...I loved the bumbo seat but its all a matter of opinion. @z_mommy_2009 the seat isn't that expensive...and the tray is great! Excellent for snack/play time! And the tray is only 10 bucks....they even sell covers for the seat now in case u don't like the color or wanna change it for a child of a different gender! Not necessary but its an option! :)
  • Ours is a teal so the color is nice and neutral. Nice to know tho...may have to convince hubs we should get the tray for our daughter.@ethansmommy122 and thanks for the response
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