just curious how many pregos still eat cold lunch meat.. (no bashing or trashtalk)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I do and I was just wondering how many others do also.. please people if u don't then Don't post on here I dnt want drama over lunchmeat lol.


  • very rarely n only if I just bought it first thing in the am
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  • I do. The way I see it is at least I'm eating something haha. Italian bmts from subway are my favorite!
  • I don't daily but weekly I will have turkey. I honestly never knew deli was a no no. I'm partial to mayo also.
  • I still do. My doc said to microwave for 10-15 sec first tho.
  • I do, this is a somewhat recent idea about having to heat it and stuff, my mom all my aunts and most people I know with kids never heard of it and ate cold lunch meat all pregnancy with no problems. If I order it from a sub shop I get it toasted, but at my house right outa the fridge :)
  • holy cow ate we not supposed to?! ha I eat sandwhiches alit cause its what I crave!!!
    why is it bad?!?!/!
  • I do! My doctor told me to just try to eat ones that have no nitrates. Of course there is the risk of listeria but there is a risk in many food items we eat. Any time you eat at a restaurant or fast food you risk food poisining. I ate lunch meat with my first child, I was dirt poor and had no idea it was skeptical for pregnant women and he is a healthy 6 yr old.
  • I dont but I would LOVE a ham sandwich
  • I do, and did with my other two kids. I jus dont buy out of the deli too often. I usually get prepackaged
  • I warm mines up first... my coworkers always say oh u shouldn't eat n I say ok buy me some food
  • and what's the dealio with Mayo?! I'm so confused and now I'm craving me a Turkey may cheese sandwich with some chips lol.. thanks a lot guys (; jkjk
  • Does anyone know when this fact came about? I gave birth nearly 16 years ago n never knew this till pregly!
  • @mrs_wainright yeah id reckon your not sposed to theres been alot of streams about it on here lately.. If you dont warm it up for i think 10-15 seconds theres a risk of getting listeria.. if you warm it up its perfectly safe i suppose but your not sposed to eat it cold like i do lol..
  • ah dang that's how I eat it.. alrighty ill toast my sammich then lol.. its in the microwave right now!!!!
  • Plus i think alot of it has to do with not buying it from some rat fest of a deli, like walmart and places like that keep there stuff pretty clean and cold.
    @jaime77 i dont know see my doctor never told me anything about it.. and i havnet like majorly read every word of my what to expect when expecting but nothing Popped out of the page about it in there either.. my doctor might suck tho idk lol
  • I do. As long as it's fresh. I am eating it right now. But I loooove and crave Subways and to bad Blimpies is gone. They were the best.
  • @mrs_wainright as far as i know the mayo thing is a bunch of BS since its pasterized or however you spell that.. ther was a huge debate about that on here a while back but im not a doctor.. im gonna write that on my list of questions even though its too late for me if its true lol.
  • I have never been told my doctor that its bad to eat lunchmeat and I have eaten it with all my pregnancies and my babies were fine so I will continue to eat it *-:)
  • edited April 2011
    @Karla_with_a_K sorrry to strike a craving lol.. ham sammiches suck warm
  • @junebug86 yea i never got told it eather so i will continue to eat it as well lol :)
  • @grnfish73 yeah i even ate subway the other day but i eat the chicken not the lunch meat.. well i guess thats not anybetter it all sets right next to each other. ive never heard of blimpies though west virginia doesnt have alot of the good stuff :/
  • I never was told this either.. I lost a baby to an ntd but honestly that was lack of folic acid in my body. Guess I will toast my turkey too now. Just bc I would feel bad if I caught listeria.
  • @huneybee I know its like there is always something new and ridiculous that we can't do pregnant that women have been doing for years and have healthy babies I know my mom ate lunch meat with me and my brother and sisters and we are all healthy when my mom was pregnant with me she said all she ate was cubans
  • edited April 2011
    @jaime77 verry sorry for your loss what is ntd? if you dont mind me asking
  • I do and everyone I know does and or did with their kids. My mom did with all 3 of her kids and me and my brothers are fine. I would be more worried about food poisoning or under cooked meat at a restaurant.
  • @junebug86 haha yepp and imagine how much skankier the places they were getting there lunchmeat from was back then to..
  • I do, ive never ever heard that your not supposed to?? There seems to be a LOT of crap us pregos cant do. I pretty much ignore all the "rules" except what my doc tells me
  • @huneybee Blimpie is just like Subway but in my opinion better. There bread was soooo good. But they closed all of them by me. I just google it and they are still open in different states.
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