just curious how many pregos still eat cold lunch meat.. (no bashing or trashtalk)



  • @huneybee I know rite lol
  • @Junebug86 OMG!!!! I want a Cuban soooo bad. Might have to take a drive to Washington Heights. They make the best.
  • You can potentially get listeria from cold meat. You can get it if your pregnant or not but something in the bacteria if you get it could kill your baby. That is why they tell you not to eat it when your pregnant. You can get foodborne illnesses from anything though. I've personally been educated on foodborne illnesses and I still eat it. Its VERY rare.
  • This is my third and I never new that cold lunch meat was a no no til pregly. I eat it if I want it.
  • @mrs_wainright mayo is supposedly made with raw eggs n we're not supposed to eat anything raw for the fear of salonella (sp?) poisoning not even fresh veggies but whatever I still do if not what r we supposed to eat????
  • @grnfish73 what is a cuban?? lol
  • edited April 2011
    @brookiesbaby thanks for posting that beacuse alot of people are asking why not and i dont know how to answer them except for listeria.lol.
  • @grnfish73 I know me too look what I've done to myself
  • @roomfor1more i dont understand how that can be true since its pasteurized.
  • I do, and mayo, and ranch dressing.
  • @sosmommy wow ranch is a new one to me lol wats the reasoning behind that one??
  • @honeybee no problem. Its just an extra symptom of listeria that others don't have. Seriously, I've never known anyone to get it but they warn you because you can "potentially" get it. You can "potentially" get run over by an elephant too. Lol!
  • Idk either that's just what I heard (not a dr)... I don't eat mayo anymore simply bcuz I can't stomach it being pregnant but b4 I was in :X
  • edited April 2011
    @huneybe A sandwich with roast pork, glazed ham, pickles, mustard and swiss cheese. (there may be some diff variations) Then they put it on a sandwich press with some butter on the outside. Yummy!
  • @Huneybee my doc did mention Blue Cheese and Brie were no no.
  • If you leave Mayo setting out for a long period of time it grows a ton of bacteria that can make you sick. Mostly salmonella. If you have a picnic of something don't leave your sandwiches out longer than an hour. Any longer and you could get really sick.
  • cant believe u got so much response in half n hr
  • mmmm that sounds amazing :) Oh and BTW people lol i just looked up the mayo thing and they used pasteurized eggs so its fine..
  • @grnfish73 ughh blue cheese is gross anyhow lol
  • @brookiesbaby yeah i think thats a big nono even if your not pregnant lol ughh makes my beelly hurt just thinking about warm mayo..
  • @bummy87 no shit lol i dont think ive ever had more than like 13 posts on any of my questions.. post about food and youd be amazed haha.
  • Barf, me too!
  • I eat packaged sliced turkey from the store in sandwiches, with mayo. I also eat salads with ranch dressing. I ate that kind of stuff with my first pregnancy and just found out about it with this one and I'm 31 weeks.
  • @Megrod88 yeah i was 32 weeks when i found out about it so i figured i might as wel just keep on with it.. i have slacked back tho.. and i always had my subway sammiches toasted just never do the ones at home.
  • I do, there are too many rules nowadays... I don't buy into that crap. Our mothers ate it, we're all fine. I also don't believe in waiting until the age of 2 to give your kids eggs and peanut butter... it all sounds like crap to me!
  • @1_mama_squared wow i never hear that one lol that sounds crazy to me..
  • I love ham sandwiches fron subway
  • I eat lunch meats still but I heat it up just in case, thats what my doc and wic said to do, they told me that its very dangerous to get listeria during your last trimester cause there is a high risk for the baby to die from it. Warming it up kills the bacteria. And mayo is fine as long as its not home made
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