What names do you hate?



  • Lol it got to the point with my husband where I picked my top 5 names gave him the list and said these are what you can choose from!!! Thankfully Cruz grew on him and now he loves it...he even true to take credit for picking it lol( I always think in my head you picked from MY list of 5 names) but its cute so I don't say anything lol
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  • I love Sophia! Very beautiful!
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  • edited May 2011
    @erkieshavingagirl I love the name Sophia. I was thinking of naming my girl that but my hubby likes Gabriella better. I still may name her Sophia.
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  • I hate my name its thaelys blahh hate.it
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  • The only name that really bothers me is Nevaeh. I just really don't like it. I hate to say this because I don't want to offend anyone but I don't like the names Angel or Crystal either.
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  • I dont like Gwen..... My friend is naming her daughter Gwen Monroe Sarah. I think its a lil tacky. And doesnt flow... But she loves it thats all that matters, I guess. :)
  • My sons name is kaden. But when I named him that, I didnt know anyone that used the name. Now its everywhere
  • Rae is also great,that was going to be our middle name if we were having a girl :)
  • @gatorbob lol well maybe boone as a middle name. At least he tries
  • I have a Caiden too,but same thing he's 7 now and when I named him it wasn't a huge name
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  • I dislike candi, jayden aiden brayden raiden cayden way over used, I think they should b banned...lol
  • I HATE the name Gavin...but only because of ky terrible experience in day care with a Gavin. I literally have scars on my body from that child. I used to have nightmares about him. And he was only two.
  • Dislike the name
    hennesey...or any liquor names its just ugh annoying! !!!!.
  • @tnt2007 my baby I'm having in september will be named gavin lol. My bf picked it out.. it was that or aiden.... looks like I picked the lesser of 2 evils haha
  • i hate names that remind me of high school drama queens... heather, courtney, justin, matt, kim, jake, taryn, valery...names that just sound bitchy to me lol
  • I agree Cruz sounds like a car it's right up there with Bentley I love Neveah cuz in Houston it's not common
  • People tell me that my Babys name sounds like a drink... Siena Rose
  • And my sons name is Alexavier Blayze
  • I hate the name tiffany, with a passion!
  • Jade, Jayden, Jace, Jacelyn,cayson and Nevaeh. Bleh... :0&
  • I like the name Siena Rose!
  • I hate Megan. Prolly BC mine is meeghan (stress the ee hence sophee) but I hate hate the name Rubin bd suggested it if its a boy &&I just think of a sandwich ugh! Sophia was too easy to pick. The day we ffound out she was a girl &&I mean we still in the Dr office, we picked Sophia. Just like that.
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