I like clinton! Yes, Obama was our president when they killed Osama, BUT he was not the one that told the troops where to go today, he wasn't the one that killed him, etc. The TROOPS will get my praise and thank you's!!! They are our real and true hero's!
I don't understand how anyone can already say Obama is their favorite president ever...he hasn't even served his full term yet so isn't that a little premature to say??
I have to agree. I follow politics fairly closely and I have strong opinions. I am not going to voice how I feel because it is sure to start problems. However I feel that when citizens start questioning our government and losing faith they manage to pull something miraculous out of their ass trying to make us trust them as our leaders again.
Agreed! He's all about popularity. He says what he thinks people want to hear. He may be a decent person who knows, but no one Id vote for to be my president.
@ashleywiini16 exactly! When he was first running everyone was like Ohhhhhhhh a black president. If ANYONE pays attention they would see Obama getting upset and saying I'm not black. But when he realized oh I could win the election because of this... all of a sudden he's black. He says what people want to hear. That's it.
Don't like Obama! People are praising him like a god. He is not worthy of praise! Makes me wanna barf! And all the people that like him make me wanna puke too! Sorry yup some people make me sick and if anyone has anything to say about it I don't care! Sorry had to vent!
I don't like Obama, but I do have to say whoever wrote that speech, was good. I did notice he kept misreading off the teleprompter and screwing up his words in the beginning...
After 9/11 the CIA chased various leads about bin Laden's inner circle, in particular his couriers. One of these couriers came in for special attention, mentioned by detainees by his nom de guerre and said to be one of the few couriers bin Laden trusted. They found out that, that paticular courier lived in Pakistan, and he led the CIA to Osama. Obama had nothing to do with any of this because this trail has been going on for YEARS.. after the CIA brought this to the president's attention only then did he start chairing a series of five national security meetings. At the last of these, on 29 April, he gave the order to mount an operation
I don't trust him either! Something about him! He is as sly as a fox! And all his followers! Oh and the race thing.... can't stand it! I'm as far from racist as they come. BUT it always comes down to people that disagree calling me racist! That makes me so annoyed. PULLING THE RACE CARD IS OLD!
But honestly I'm not too fond of any president since bush sr.
Everybody is saying clinton but does nobody know of the TWO govt shut downs during his term? Lol
Lets go reagan!!!
@Jessicals200 don't apologize, this is Obama bashing thread. Let them be hypnotized by the lies, oh change is coming... yeah NOT GOOD CHANGE!
Wish we could live in this land where govt wasnt needed and everyone was on equal playing fields.....but psh I know that will never happen lol
They found out that, that paticular courier lived in Pakistan, and he led the CIA to Osama. Obama had nothing to do with any of this because this trail has been going on for YEARS.. after the CIA brought this to the president's attention only then did he start chairing a series of five national security meetings. At the last of these, on 29 April, he gave the order to mount an operation