obama is a really preson , unlike the other presidents, he's like one of us, he's not fake, and I believe he will make a difference here. Its not like this is the first time the gas prices have gone up!! before obama was president it was like this.
I feel that yes he sounded as if he was taking all the credit but honestly if the plan didn't go as plan an many US troops died who would've got all the "credit"?
Exactly what happened to bush....everybody was all for war after 9/11 but as soon as we started losing more and more troops it was suddenly all bushs fault.
Im a military wife and I dread my husband having to go...especially after I lost a close friend in iraq. But in all honesty that's what they signed up for.
So its like he can't win for losing, we all know who poured sweat and tears into this....so why go on such a hateful bashing spree? Btw we are still in war time and some of the things that has ben said I'm sure would be treason.
and one more thing its so sad to here how anyone thinks america is so fuck up! I mean we'll still doing better then other countries, and if u don't like how they are so fucked up, go move to another country and see if there any better
I say not one of the people now a days were like George Washington or Lincoln being equal to us! Obama don't struggle with money as we do. Nore has he or any other pres or political person struggled. They don't have pay cuts. They don't need help with food. I say they should see how we struggle n try live off our amount of money. Would then see n feel how we do
I am for obama. He came into being president for what was already messed up and is doing what he has to. I think its crap that no one sees that he gave all the credit to the troops where it should be. He's the one that has to give the okay for missions they just can't go and do it. O will vot for him again. We should all be proud of whatt was don't. What does any of this have to do with anything but everyone has gone throw seince 9/11. I support obama and out troops. That's all I'm sayinbg on this people can give me disrecpect for being obama supporter or for my spelling I don't care. I don't think anyone of you could do the job.
I tell you what.. If I could live in a big mansion, all bills paid, have limos and private jets, have a personal nutritionist and chef. Take that many vacation days with only having to work not even a century of my life and get 500k every year after that.. then I might say the president can relate to me.
Obama knows how to "talk" & that's about it.. he gives good speeches i'll give him credit for that but in my opinion he is all talk & nothing more. I didn't agree when he got voted into presidency & I still don't agree. Many people voted for the guy for all the wrong reasons. Him taking credit for what our troops have done is absolutely wrong! God bless America & God bless our troops that put their lives on the line every day for our country & our freedom!!! Give credit where credit is due, 100% to our troops!!! NObama!!!!!!
Is it a coincidence that they buried his body at sea, after all of 24 hours of having him? Really? Come on.. this sounds like a crock of dookie! What about all the other terrorist that have been killed? Didn't do that for them..
@mama0811 fortunately there are ways to get presidents in and out of office. And that's to vote. America wanted obama in the office. Wn its time to vote again, then u vote for a republican. And if obama is still put back in the office then my dear all u have is ur little tiny opinion against the millions of people that will rally together AGAIN an put him there......sorry. and again # TEAMOBAMA and all these mothers bashing obama, u may wanna just sit back and accept he is here until his term is up and the babies u will give birth to WILL learn about him in their history classes, regardless of what he does while he's president #getoverit
Why does everyone try to say he came into such a mess and is trying to clean it up?? Don't most presidents come into office with some sort of mess on their hands? So how does that make him this glorious person? And what has he done to clean up said mess....nothing thus far!! When he stops flapping his gums and actually does something, then I'll consider using the terms "decent" and "president" in the same sentence. Until then, I don't claim him as my president!
While you bashing you should be thankful that we have a greater leader that directed the troops to complete this mission. Bush had them in Iraq! I thank God for Obama yesterday will go down in history regardless of what yall think it was done on Obama time I office! Team Obama
Also im glad we FINALLY have a president who can as some of u say can "talk well" I mean he did go to harvard after all. I got tired of bush saying um uhhh um in all of his speeches! I also realize with politics everyone will have different views, so I know people will disagree.
And wow at people that will not claim him as their president.... sad world we live in. Can't even wait until he serves a full term to talk That way. Lol. So crazy. I hope all of u voted and will vote next year.....I know I did and I will again. #teamobama
I voted, for McCain, and I will certainly NOT be voting for NObama. And the same thing can be said for those that think he is the "best president ever" lol.
Like I told the ladies in the pro Obama forum its sad it took us 10 yrs to find a guy living in a mansion but bet if he owed child support we wuda found him yrs ago. Obama has gone against everything he promised to take away. Very disappointing
Can I just say, for all Obama talk of overseeing and doing this... I thank God that the last thing Osama saw was a US soldier blowing his brains out? Go Troops!
Agreed . I don't inderstand how people think that 10+ years of trying to find this SOB is all of a sudden now Obama's doing. Bin Laden has been saught after by the US long before 9/11 even happened, it's not like he just came out of the woodworks and planned 9/11 one random day...
Im going to check back in on this discussion on my lunch break. #teamRN. Very interesting discussion. All of u with tons of time on ur hands keep entertaining us with this discussion #teamihaveajob
Exactly what happened to bush....everybody was all for war after 9/11 but as soon as we started losing more and more troops it was suddenly all bushs fault.
Im a military wife and I dread my husband having to go...especially after I lost a close friend in iraq. But in all honesty that's what they signed up for.
So its like he can't win for losing, we all know who poured sweat and tears into this....so why go on such a hateful bashing spree? Btw we are still in war time and some of the things that has ben said I'm sure would be treason.
We should all be proud of whatt was don't. What does any of this have to do with anything but everyone has gone throw seince 9/11.
I support obama and out troops.
That's all I'm sayinbg on this people can give me disrecpect for being obama supporter or for my spelling I don't care.
I don't think anyone of you could do the job.
If I could live in a big mansion, all bills paid, have limos and private jets, have a personal nutritionist and chef. Take that many vacation days with only having to work not even a century of my life and get 500k every year after that.. then I might say the president can relate to me.
*team send my husband home*