Idk wut to say all I kno is the economy is to fucked up for anybody to b promisin us anything because its gonna take a long time to fix it an I really dont like politics cux a lot of ppl vote for the wrong reasons an end up complaining later so two tumbs up to our troops an rest in hell osama
I love how a lot of you ladies seem so well educated, politically I mean. Anyone who's truly followed, studied up & done their research would have a hard time still loving Obama. CNN is very liberal, mtv & even the magazines ... it's all about what they want you to hear. Easy to be fooled. Once again, popularity. But do some actual research ... and I guarentee you won't come out such an Obama fan. If Obama had some morals & STOOD by them, whether I agreed with him or not... at least id respect him. I have no respect for the guy whatsoever. Sad to say about our president.
Haha it's funny that there is actual conversation here, as opposed to the other thread...all I see there is "Yay Obama!" And nothing more. Nobody has posted ANY facts or can back up anything he has done because he hasn't done didly squat. Hasn't he spent billions of dollars since he's started his term, thus causing a bigger debt to America?? Doesn't he also have the worst approval ratings for any president who has been in office for as long as he has been? Maybe I'm wrong and would love to be enlightened, but I am pretty confident I am correct.
Hopefully you guys don't think I'm out of line for posting this, but I was upset at how he worded this portion of his speech. He was almost an hour late in giving his speech and instead of delivering some awe inspiring announcment, he proceeds to give himself credit before anyone else. I really feel he should have givin all of the credit to the troops and those who actively investigated where osama was hiding. Smh it reminds me of him accepting the noble piece prize when I thought he should have respectfully declined, he hadn't done anything. Anyways im posting an excerpt from his speech as a refresher....
"Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of hid body"
Agreed. I dont speak politics too much, but having served in the military, this HAS been in works for years, Obama just happens to be in the pilot's seat when it went down. Praises go to Navy SEAL Team Six and the fact they know their stuff so well there were NO American casualties in this surgical strike. Yet again, I cannot sing the praises of our US Military enough. OUR boys (and girls) in uniform are the ones responsible for these kind of victories. I can't imagine being the soldier who shot that monster in the head. I'm not usually for violence, but I saw the vidoes of our citizens being decpitated with my soldiers, still alive and screaming until that bastards were just holding a lifeless bloody head in their hands. Innocent people. A shot to his head was much better than he deserved and just shows how we are better to not give back tenfold. I know there isn't a single member of the military who hasn't dreamed of that shot- I admit, I have. That being said, For the first time, I feel like our babies will be born in a better world than we have been living in for the last decade. Preggy hormones aside, I would have cried in joy anyway!
@rockinmomma exactly! He is a cocky, selfish man and all I heard that entire speech was "me" "I" "Myself"...totally taking most thr credit. I don't gey why people think that Obama is the mastermind behind it all, it's been years in the making I'm surex it's not like a finger was never lifted to begin the process and it all started the second he stepped foot into office.
@BkE913 he came across, to me, like a little boy jumping up and down yelling "see america? I can do something right! Yay! Look at me!" Lol. It was a victory for our country not for himself. I just feel he should have focused more on the "we and us" and less on the "me and I"
@BkE913 & @rockinmomma Agreed! I heard the news and was so excited until I heard the speech he made. It is disgusting ANYONE would take so much credit when it was our troops who executed this. It makes me sick he is using this as a campaign tool. He might have had some minimal support form me had he not been such a little glory hog, but like i said earlier, he is just in the pilot's seat. This would have gone down no matter WHO was president. Him being a democrat proves this, duh a republican would have approved this, but duh, a dem up for second term is going to approve this. JUST LIKE Bush JR with the war, you need something huge to get the ratings. I hope America isn't too stupid to fall for this... and they give credit where credit is due.
@rockinmomma@jellybelly15 Unfortunately, America was stupid enough to fall for his shenanegans once, and now they're likely to fall for it again smh I am glad that we finally caught this SOB, but I hate that it has happenes under this president's term. People are giving him praise as if he's the TRUE hero, when the credit should be given to those who physically faught to bring this bit of justice to the American people. I wish people would take their blinders off and realize the truth... this doesn't mean gas prices are going to automatically drop overnight lol, that is obsurd! This doesn't mean our debt will now magically disappear, if anything "King Obama" is going to find excuses to blow more money on things he'll associate with this!
Lol, I was just reading that, "Praise Obama.." How long into the thread did anyone say "Praise our troops?" THEY WERE THE ONES WHO MADE THIS HAPPEN!!!! THAT is my big message. I just hate they are praising him instead of the real heros. ****Shame on the citizens of America to praise Obama and not the troops who made this happen, put their lives at risk, FIRST AND FOREMOST.
"Then, last August, after years of painstaking work by our intelligence community, I was briefed on a possible lead to bin Laden. It was far from certain, and it took many months to run this thread to ground. I met repeatedly with my national security team as we developed more information about the possibility that we had located bin Laden hiding within a compound deep inside of Pakistan. And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough intelligence to take action, and authorized an operation to get Osama bin Laden and bring him to justice. Today, at my direction, the United States launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. A small team of Americans carried out the operation with extraordinary courage and capability. No Americans were harmed. They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of hid body"
He gives himself way too much credit.
@rockinmomma thanks for the post!!!
Yet again, I cannot sing the praises of our US Military enough. OUR boys (and girls) in uniform are the ones responsible for these kind of victories. I can't imagine being the soldier who shot that monster in the head. I'm not usually for violence, but I saw the vidoes of our citizens being decpitated with my soldiers, still alive and screaming until that bastards were just holding a lifeless bloody head in their hands. Innocent people. A shot to his head was much better than he deserved and just shows how we are better to not give back tenfold. I know there isn't a single member of the military who hasn't dreamed of that shot- I admit, I have.
That being said, For the first time, I feel like our babies will be born in a better world than we have been living in for the last decade. Preggy hormones aside, I would have cried in joy anyway!
****Shame on the citizens of America to praise Obama and not the troops who made this happen, put their lives at risk, FIRST AND FOREMOST.