Breastfeeding babydoll

edited May 2011 in Parenting
Just seen on the news that there is now a nursing babydoll for lil girls. She suckles and everything. what do you ladies think bout it. Personally I think it's great and it's getting too much crap in the media.


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  • I agree :) @homebirthadvocate it can normalize breastfeeding :)
  • It creeps me out a bit :-| sorry
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  • My daughter does that now with her doll. She stopped nursing last July at 23 months old so she remembers and knows what my breasts r for. Milk for the baby, right mommy? I think if ur child will see u feed ur baby a bottle, get em a doll with a bottle. But my daughter nurses her baby cause she wants to be like mommy and that's what's normal to us.
  • Awe @babyrosalee that's good idea.
  • My oldest daughter breastfed her dolls until she lost interest in playing with them. All 3 of my kids (2 girls ages 8,4 and my son 7) know that that's what babies are supposed to eat so they don't find it weird at all. I've never hid breastfeeding from any of them and don't plan on it this time,I think its great the more kids know that that's what your supposed to do then they won't grow up being narrow minded thinking its strange.
  • edited May 2011
    Why is it ok to have magazines everywhere with a womens boobs hanging out but when she goes to nourish her child suddenly its a "dirty thing" our society has sexualizes breasts wayyyyy too much. So now there's a doll to help little girls ( and I would be suprised little boys) to be like mommy. So the parents that object to this doll emulating a natural thing probably have no problem with buying those bratz dolls which are such a good role model... right? (Btw that was sarcasm.. not looking to start drama)
  • I think it is the worst invention and it makes kids grow up before their time....little girls should be worried about being successful in school not in's a disgrace
  • I think its wonderful. Playing with dolls has been something little girls have done since well forever:) Back in the day bottles weren't a common thing, breastfeeding was the way babies were fed. I don't think it takes away from them being successful in school...its just called playtime! It isn't any different than the babies that you bottle or spoon feed and then they poo their diaper. Its just little girls playing mommy as they have for centuries!
  • i think its strange...
  • I am majorly probreast feeding, I want to become a lactation consultant but I think its crossing a line kids should be kids not breastfeeding dolls I think its like teaching about sex n periods n stuff b4 there time
  • I think creating a doll just for this purpose is going a bit too far. Most little ones try 'breastfeeding' their dolls at some point when they see someone else doing it anyway. And I don't think they need teaching about it, an open, honest and positive environment at home where children can ask questions and where breastfeeding isn't seen as a dirty thing but an everyday, normal way of feeding babies is great!
  • I think it is a bit desturbing, I agree that breastfeeding is great, and society needs to accept it and allow it in public.

    However I wouldn't buy this toy for my daughter. If she wants to play with dolls that's great, if she wants to breast feed her dolls I'm okay with it, I'll gladly explain it. but a doll made just for breastfeeding doesn't sit right with me. Seems a bit like creaper bait.

    Yes it is natural, yes more girls need to be taught about it but sex is natural and more girls need to be taught about the causes and effects of it but I wouldn't make a doll for a young child to teach it. Heh, Stacey STD, Percillia Pregnant and Madison Menstrual Cycle.
  • I agree bout breastd being too sexual in the media. I hear horror stories from daycares bout things lil boys and girls say involing sexual things. But breastfeeding isn't sexual, but natural. And I dont think it'll take away anything from school, but more of an opportunity to learn and be openminded. The halter might be a lil weird, but it can lead to understanding. I wont spend 100$ on it but I can see a babydoll on breast being normalized. I think this product just draws attention to something people see as taboo

    @iamamommysoon good point on the bratz dollz :)
  • I think it's disgusting to buy a doll for that purpose. I have no problem if my daughter mimicked me with her own baby doll but I would NEVER buy that. I think it's sick that a company made a doll for young girls to breastfeed.
  • I am probreastfeeding to but that is ridiculious and should be banned u don't want ur children to practice breastfeeding then want a child then be a teen mom (there is nothing wrong with teen moms no parent I know just ever said I am raising my daughter to have babies) Sometimes parents just have to step in and say am I really doing all I can to promote my child or am I destroying the vision for my child
  • To be honest I just don't care and have better stuff to worry about
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  • I agree 100% with you @homebirthadvocate
  • because somethings r just not for children to do if u do it in front of ur chikd that is cool but to give them a toy that gives them practice is just too ahead of their time especially the ages girls still play with dolls it is just not appopriate. Feeding the baby is a beautiful thing for a woman to do not for a child being pregnant is beautiful but u wouldn't want them walking around with a toy stomach would u....they had a doll that came in a bag like a back pack (when I was a kid) it had kicking like movements u put it on ur front like a backback in the front it kicks u unzip and baby pops out and u can play with it....needless to say it was taken off te market and so should this opinion not as a RN but as an educator
  • While it's something I probably would have my daughter keep in the house I don't see a problem with it at all! When I was a kid I used to pretend to nurse my baby dolls all of the time because I grew up watching my mother nurse my sisters. It's upsetting to me to think that people would ban something like that. It's like telling children it's wrong to do anything other than bottle feed their babies when they grow up! Little girls, even my two year old niece, love pretending to be mommies and take care of their babies. Should we make it wrong for them to pretend to nurse when they can pretend to bottle feed, make pretend baby food, and change diapers? I'm not saying my niece needs one of these dolls, or even that my five year old HAS TO HAVE ONE, but I don't think this is something that should be banned at all. It's like telling my daughter that Mommy is a pervert because she fed her brother (and is going to feed her other brother) 'boobie milk' and that she was being bad when she grabbed her baby doll and did the same. I don't know; I think it would be just fine if we at least settled on assuring our little girls who want to play Mommy and take care of their 'babies' that they can pretend to nurse if they want to. We don't NEED to go out and buy them an expensive baby doll so they can hear noises and watch the mouth move. I had enough imagination to hold my Cabbage Patch Doll to my shirt (or sometimes under it).
  • @preggointx I agree completely.
  • @homebirthadvocate
    Very well said.
    Why is everyone putting so much sexual pressure on a doll? Its a doll people. You have the choice to purchase it or not. I don't cover when I nurse in public, my children hate things on there heads. If you want your child to grow up with the knowledge of right and wrong, teach them! A doll isn't going to ruin the world. This is not even a debate. Purchase it or don't. It's completely your decision. Just don't judge anyones parenting choices. We are all entitled to our own way of raising our children in the safest, healthiest way we see fit.
  • Uhhh..... I don't know what to think about it. My first thought is little girls don't need to pretend to be mommies THAT seriously, but baby dolls have come with bottles for as long as I can remember. I don't think its perverted or anything because breastfeeding is completely normal but I don't think I'd buy the doll for my daughter or a niece unless they REALLY wanted it.
  • everyone has good points.

    My thoughts were that I don't think the media should ban this toy because as mentioned breastfeeding is natural. Girls will play pretend no matter what as mentioned. The doll just does the motions. I think it's an inventive toy that if a mother is nursing anyway, and a child sees that she could be like mommy. I like that it's kinda pushing breastfeeding into the norn for society. I mean I see women that are against bf just cuz they think it's weird and taboo, when its natural
  • You wouldn't breast feed with your boob hanging out all open so why should a child learn that your nipples should be out? I'm all for breast feeding but don't see the need to spend that much money on something they can pretend to do with regular dolls, and to be honest my breast aren't just for feeding they are sexual to me and my husband. you can say all day that breasts are just hanging bags of food but besides that they ARE part of sexuality. imo of course.
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