Breastfeeding babydoll



  • @bigbelly just because homebirthadvocate chooses to bf in public doesn't make her a psycho she is right it is protected by law for a reason....especially in TEXAS that's the kind of comments that make discussions go wrong just chill and let her voice her opinion and u urs without being disrespectful...I'm just sayin
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  • edited May 2011
    @mommyof4 she didn't say u nursing ur infant is gross she said a child nursing is gross and I agree
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  • To each her own I just wouldn't do it or I would go to a secluded place and turn my back
  • @Mommyof4girls Now thats just retarded to say! "I would love to see everyone who says to cover up while nursing eat w a blanket on their head" its a baby! It will eat where ever you feed it! Im not gonna sit in some random place with my tits out just cause the law says I can!
  • i do also agree tho that breasts have become very taboo in society no matter the context. i plan to breast feed my daughter and am very worried how to explain it to my bfs son what im doing. Its sad that im afraid ill say the wrong thing and his mom will get mad at me or call cps whe im just trying to do wat is best for my daughter
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate i never felt you were trying ot force ur belief of not using covers on anyone like i said more power to you im just not comfortable with it it might change after ive been doing it but until then it will be cover time. i do think it is ridiculous for ppl to expect us to feed our children in bathrooms tho its disgusting
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  • I'm not agreeing or disagreeing I'm just pointing out the mere fact that peeing is natural and you wouldn't want a man to pull out his pecker to take a wiz in the park or anywhere in public and chance your daughter seeing a grown mans penis just as though a lot of people wouldn't want to see a grown womens boob breastfeeding is natural right? Same concepts, its all natural but that doesn't mean its appropriate for all to see. I'm all for breasfeeding and plan to do with my daughter
  • @rissalee7 I get what u r saying because if it were my son and I did not bf or don't agree with bf in front of my child I personally wouldn't alllow my son to watch...I don't want him looking at women's boobs but it will probably be helpful to get her opinion on it because it is her child and she has the say so on what she wants her son to see...and she might not mind just talk to her or if u two don't get along ask bd to talk to her
  • I know how you feel. Im just a private person and I think that kind of thing is private! When I bf my daughter it was a special thing that only I could do for her and I didnt feel like other people needed to see or be around me for that. (Except for my hubby)
  • @Bigbelly
    Wow, you really think thats what moms who nurse do? We are exhibitionists? I am so sorry you feel that way.

    Stop trying to cause drama and learn to voice your opinion in a non offensive way. No one likes to be attacked including you.
  • But wouldn't want anyone to personally see me but if that's what you like and have to do then more power to you, but its only fair to look at the big picture not everyone is comfortable with having their children or famiily members seeing anything that nude beyone themselves so its justt a matter of respecting all around imo
  • @preggointx we use to get along until i got pregnant. i am very careful of what he sees of me when it comes to being in any state of undress. its hard tho cuz he loves to follow me around 24/7 wehn we have him i mean he walks in on my going potty and asks are you pooing? (im sitting down) he's only three so he's at the question everything stage and says things that are adorable to me but may not be socially acceptable
  • And I am not in anyway saying its disrespectful to breastfeed in public... just stating that others may feel that way and that's whhy there are so many issues when it comes to breastfeeding in public :) I hope no one takes my posts the wrong way
  • I have a ? For the ones who think the baby doll is a good idea. How do you intend to teach ur daughter that her breasts are private body parts and not for everyone to see? In my opinion it opens doors that small children are either going to have a hard time or no all to fully understand.
  • @rissalee7 The woman who ran who my son's mommy and me class called it "mommy juice." :) I thought that was adorable. I didn't breast feed my first, failed with my second, and am on the fence about doing it this time, but I am actually quite clad that my friends are breast feeding and that my 4 year old has gotten to see it, because I want that to seem just as normal as bottle feeding. I had to explain to him that women make milk just like cows do--that was an AWESOME conversation, haha! :) He didn't associate it with sex because he's 4--he has no concept of any genitals as sexual in nature because he doesn't even know that sex exists.
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  • @magcaw i kno he wont think or associate it with a sex thing im just worried he will say something to his bio mom that would cause her to not let us get him on weekends
  • @cetheridge I totally agree with u again
    @Mommyof4girls I think being an exhibitionist is not a good reason to bf
    @rissalee7 I know what u mean I raised my god son and I got dressed in front of him until he was older like 3 then kids r curious so I would b more careful of what he saw because even though I was raising him he is not my child and I didn't think his mom would like that I am exclusively bf until it hurts or I stop lactating but I will not be bf my son in front of my god baby...he is about to be 10 and a very good boy he understands things and is very concerned about my pregnancy (he is in a wheelchair paralyzed) I just don't think it is appropriate for him to see especially since his mom never nursed any of her each her own but that's just how I feel about it and I won't be nursing in front of any of my neices 5,10,16 they r old enough to understand but their mom wouldn't like that....I wont even let my neices change my son because I think they r too young (except the 16 year old) to see a penis even a baby might be different if it were my kids
  • BF is easy for kids to understand but I just don't want them exposed to it until they have to be and even though bf in public is legal doesn't make it something kids should see just like it is legal for a man to get drunk beyond recognition doesn't mean I want my child to see it
  • @cetheridge kids use regular dolls to pretend the same way--do you honestly see a difference? If your little girl were pretending alongside you, would you insist that she keep her shirt on? I suppose some people would, but that seems like a way to discourage the normalcy of breastfeeding rather than encourage it. I think it's very possible to teach a child to be comfortable with his or her body and still make sure that they understand that there is an appropriate time and place for exposure. My sons run around my house naked all the time--after bath, while they're getting dressed for bed, while they're getting dressed in the morning. But they are also clear about the fact that clothes stay on when we go outside. Many kids go through phases where they want to be naked all the time. It's all about teaching timing.
  • @bigbelly
    I was just going to say something nice to you...

    I'm glad you bf and I like the fact that you state your opinion. It's a great quality. No matter where or how you bf the fact that you do, is something that your child will appreciate when they are older.

    I also hope you understand that the choices I make in my life aren't meant to offend you or anyone else. It's ALL done for my children. I'm just hoping that the next time you or anyone else sees someone nursing in public they don't think gross, you think that baby doesn't like being covered or good thing that mom is willing to feed her baby while she and her other children eat. Being a nursing mom I'm sure you've eaten a cold dinner. If you have other children you can't really go somewhere else while the older ones play at the park. There are so many things that affect the choices people make.

    I am from a huge family, nothing was kept secret and we all learned respect for each other and our body parts. We were taught to just turn our heads for a second when older people were about to nurse. Everyone is different and gets offended by different things. I am used to weird looks and also others saying good job. It's your choice to be private and why wouldn't I respect that or you respect my decisions?
  • @rissalee7 The sexual part wasn't directed at you--someone else said that young kids see things as sexual and I was disagreeing. Sorry. :)
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