


  • My doctor said No Nair or anytype of hair removal lotion. I'm normally a full any thing below the waist must be hairless person so I shaved until I got to the point where clever acrobatics and a mirror were out. Now I just trim by hand and shave what I can without getting to close to *athem * sensitive areas. The way I view it anyone who is going to see my poor trim job has either seen worse or will see worse in a few weeks. I never asked about waxing, I'm to much of a wimp.
  • im now afraid of shaving cos i might get an infection..... blah!! X(
  • I decided just to forget it lol so im all woolie mamoth \m/ rotfl xD
  • That junk gets itchy! I hate the full bush. He will clipper me up whether he likes it or not.
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