


  • Doing it blind isnt that hard u just have 2 feel and determine if u got all the hair by touch.
  • I sit on the edge of the tub with a mirror,,works great cus my big belly is in the way
  • I had laser treatment but with my last baby hair in dome areas came back plus I started to get a lot of unknowns...I waxed my entire last preggo...the last Brazilian right bf delivery was the worst.....this preggo I think for private areas I might just use on of those electronic personal trimmers and wax my underarms......I just wish my thighs wudnt get the ingrowns
  • unknowns was supposed to b ingrowns
  • Haha a love reading these I'm laughing so hard I almost peed my pants...I'm havin the same problems with shaving my lady friend but I don't remember having these issues with my first...hmmm I guess goin in blind is gonna have to b the way I go bc waxing down there sounds like a nightmare...ouch...
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  • Lmao this is great but really why worry about bring embarased about hair when u might poop urself and they won't tell you either lol they will just whipe ur butt hahaha
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  • you ladies are the worst. I'm on the train laughin like a maniac n ppl are lookin at me like I got two heads. Shavin my legs is ok I'm 21 wks, but my va jayjay is like a birds nest. I'm tempted to ask my bf but I think he migh cut me. Might jus sit on the toilet n go to town
  • I nevr had a problem shaving my legs and I got hugggeee! My.. girl parts on the other hand got a little difficult but I just grabbed a small hand mirror and aimed it down there and ta da! Lol. Hope this helps
  • Lol thanks girls (: glad I asked. I mean, ya gotta do, what ya gotta do! Haha
  • Im having trouble because all we have is a stand up shower so I have nothing to rest my foot on. We did get one of those handicap seats for the shower so I wont slip and fall trying. The private parts are just a feel and shave thing, anyone notice hair in spots u never had before? Im getting hair under my belly button and its dark and thick. Very embaressing
  • @firsttimemomct i am lol and my hair its growing way faster i use to be able to shave once a week now its every two days and tmi but i have hair in my but crack now it wasn't there before i blame the vitamins
  • I use hubbys beard timers without the guard...hate shaving n getting cut.
  • I have waxed once...I will never again...the pain was awful, I got red bumps like a bad reaction&you get a little embarrassed that someone saw your vajayjay (its different when you're seeing your doctor or giving birth) but I just couldn't get past someone seeing me in all my glory so I suck it up&shave. Its been so many years of shaving that I can do it with my eyes closed which totally helps when you're maneuvering around a Himalayan mountain, lol!
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  • Good luck to us all!! Hubby's better appreciate!
  • Pshhh if I can't reach it...its not getting shaved idc if my hooha looks like that book from Harry potter with the teeth that tries to bite doctor can get over it. Ill rock a bush like they did back in the eighties!!!
  • LMAO @toocutexcore Omg Haha!!! I told my bf in the beginning he's gonna have to help me shave my vagine eventually and he's fine with it...I am scared of him cutting me though but its gonna be summer when I'm huge so its gotta be done lol
  • I Tried to shave and now I look patchy. But I'm ok with it because daddys gone fix it ! Lol no shame
  • Haha I can barley shave and I can hardly shave down there x.x it sucks reaching around my huge tummy xp
  • Guys should be good at shaving your rug. Have you ever watched them shave their face...that looks hard. But they can shave their neck around their adams apple they can shave perfect straight lines. Give guys a little credit. We have more to shave but what they do have is difficult.
  • I was huge and never had a problem shaving. I took some bending and maneuvering around my belly, but I shaved the day I delivered both of my kids. :)
  • Omg im 28 weeks today and this is my second pregnancy and it was not this hard with my first. I CANNOT reach my hoohaa what so ever. Its so pitiful. I absolutely hate hair so I have to shave. Thankfully my husband has no problem helping me. But the mirror idea sounds great.
  • My husband is an anomaly....hardly any facial hair so has never shaved day n his life....I'm not letting that razor virgin anywhere near my kitty
  • I'm 29 wks and huge. I can shave my legs with no problem but couldn't see to shave down there. So my bf suggested using a mirror cause he got tired of trying to help me with it. The mirror trick is working really well.
  • with my 2 I shaved all the way to 40 weeks everything
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