Um ok well I am currently breastfeeding and my husband and I were about to do the deed and he always foreplays so he started kissing me then started sucking on my breast! I was like nooo in my head bc I thought it was gross and the worst thing is I heard him gulp!!!! Omg I was sooo embarrased..he talks about it all the time he's like why not?? I'm like gross but he said my milk tasted sweet and it was very thin and that he liked it... sorry I had to post bc I have nottold anyone
@Molly I'm telling you...the things he says most of the time all I can do is shake my head because I seriously have NO words for it. Majority of the things he says I am not even shocked by anymore because I am used to it after all these years; but every so often he throws a doozy out there & I am like :O
@blueberrysmom yes it hurts aloottt if u dnt get it out sometimes when I drink too much water they fill up in like 20 minutes I'm too lazy to get up from bed but eventually have too bc they feel like rocks!
I might be the odd one out here, but I don't think its all that horrible! I mean def not making a habit of it...but, if it was painful and he helped, I don't see the problem with it!! If it was just that once! Lol
@MrsDelRae That is just awesome! I have been married since October and my hubby cracks me up all the time. I hope that years down the road that still happens.
Lol. My hubby sucked on my boobs while we were having sex and he got some of my leakage on accident. I wouldn't call it milk. Its clear and there's not a lot of it. Colostrum I guess. Anyway, he just said, "Gross, you leaked in my mouth" and we continued to have sex. He's not bothered by much tho lol.
@luvbump it doesn't work like t4hat lol at least not for me if they are like rocks the only relief is to have someone suck on your breast bc when u squeeze it hurts like hell and only little drops come out that's it I've tried sometimes by baby is feeding and I dnt even know how he is getting milk because I squeeze and nothing but I hear him gulping
My milk is different i guess.. I can stimulate my nipples and i start leaking. When i was trying to dry up i went it the shower and it started flowing out just from the water.
She could have squeezed the milk out. I had to do that at work one day. After my son was born, I went to work and forgot my pump. I had to go in the bathroom and squeeze. My boobs were rock hard and it really helped til I got home.
Why didn't she just put it in a couple of bottles? My Mom never used a pump..she would just squeeze the milk into bottles, she always said pumps were to painful and using her hands let the milk come my mom grew up on a farm...she milked herself!!
@Molly thanks I was a little uneasy about what ppl were going to say but it happens I guess. Yeah he's a nerd he walks around sometimes just being silly saying he wants milk. But he's just joking..I think. Hey I need all the milk I can get my baby drink 60z and I only produce 4 ugh I have not enough to waste it on a big baby! Lol
@9_2011 I didn't breast feed so I didn't need them to eat on any specific schedule or need to pump to keep things going. 4 hours for me was like heaven! my kids were sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, though, too. My friend woke her kids up to feed them, though.
My husband told me a story similar to this of his grandparents. The grandfather did the same thing and the worst part is that they were divorced at the time! Wth?! Well they got remarried 15 yrs ago so maybe that had something to do with it
I kniw this is nasty..... My mom and aunt had their babies real close together. My mom was watching my cousin and breastfed him. Idk but it seems gross to brrast feed someone elses kid.
My hubby nursed me after I got engorged. I had tried everything, and was so full baby couldn't even get anything. Two swallows from each breast was enough told get my daughter latched on. He loves my milk, though, said its better than cows milk, teases me about putting it in coffee and using it in his cereal. @Jess510 nursing someone elses child is called "wet nurse" and its been around as long as babies have. It used to be very common in high class families, wet nurses were hired by women who didn't want to or couldn't feed their own children before they made formula. I nursed for my sisters baby also, though ours were a year apart. Its not that different than feeding your own baby.
I think as a last resort I might have my husband do that but only if baby wasn't with me. But I'm a first time mom so I really don't know if in reality I'd do that.
@Jess510 nursing someone elses child is called "wet nurse" and its been around as long as babies have. It used to be very common in high class families, wet nurses were hired by women who didn't want to or couldn't feed their own children before they made formula. I nursed for my sisters baby also, though ours were a year apart. Its not that different than feeding your own baby.