He shoudnt of slapped u back a man has way more strength and he knows that and plus more importantly ur Pregnant! Dont let this pass it will only get worse if he did it once he will do it again but im sure it wont be just a slap... i say this because i repeatly saw my father do this to my mom and the abuse will only get worse!
I agree.. No way should a man put a hand on a woman! Especially a pregnant one.. BUT, you hit him first and that isn't any better! Im with @praying4our3rd you both need space!
I felt like he was trying to be secretive on the phone so I walked out and went to my moms room to give him his privacy because I would have gone off if he walked out the room while one the phone. He follows me while on the phone with his family calling me names and saying some disrespectful things while he's stillon ythe phone so I get angrier. I try to walk out and everytime I do that he gets all aggressive and tries to stop me so I shove him off me and start walking out the room and scream at him about calling the police. Hed running his mouth so I shove a chair at him towards his feet and he rushes me so I slapped him and he shoved me down. I ran to get my phones and he's following me snatching all the phones while still on the phone with whoever listening to all this so I lost it when he had all the phones and slapped him across the face and he basically fists me in the eye. I know I was wrong. I just wish he didnt do it back because im so hurt. Idk idk idk
I'm sorry, nobody deserves to be hit, but if you're going to swing at him you can't expect him to sit back and take the abuse any more than you would sit back and take the abuse. As far as you being pregnant and getting a slap...my sister always tells me that my face isn't pregnant. I agree with the other posters--you need a day or two away from each other.
I agree. I in NO WAY condone domestic violence but the truth of the matter is u hit him first and that wasnt nice! I understand we sometimes get upset but u cant expect him to not hit u back becuz ur a woman. Space may b good!
Wow, sounds like your relationship is pretty violent and unhealthy on both of your parts.... not good for either one of you from what you described. Maybe some counseling would help?
no honey i dont think a man have to hit a women even when she it him first. and worst in the fact that you are pregnant. you need to think about it carefully because when a man do that one time he is going to do it again.
I dont think is right for a man to hit a woman at all but you layed your hands on him first. I know better than to push a man to his limits and again he sure as hell was wrong but so were you. My bf slapped me once after I punched him in the mouth and busted his lip. We were both wrong and I admited my fault and so did he and it has never happened again but not all men are the same. Im sorry you are going through this I know its rough. Do what you feel is right for you. Forgiving him was it for me I dont know if it will be for you. Good luck.
I hope that u can make the right choice in this matter, what ever that choice may b. I feel bad for u but i especially feel bad for ur unborn child. I hope this abuse ends by the time the baby is born!
I have a question i dont know if i read wrong but in ur last post does it say he started to get agressive with u first? I just think he should of held back from hitting u because ur carrying his child... but u should very much have some space right now...
You know, it sounds like you guys generally have a good relationship but thatyou both got out of hand in this situation. Take a breather and ask him if you can schedule a "family meeting" sometime this evening so you can both talk. Maybe go somewhere away from the house and in public like a restaurant where neither of you is likely to get up and walk away or yell if it gets heated. Focus on forgiving each other and making a commitment to use your words and not your hands in the future. It sounds like a salvageable situation to me but one that will take a little bit of work to fix. Good luck to both of you, hun.
@richjen24, no I would not tolerate my grown husband abusing my young daughter--I would kill the bastard; however, I wouldn't be defending her if she were grown and hit her father and he smacked her back. And I certainly wouldn't blame my husband for hitting me if I hit him first; in fact, I'd say I deserved it. I won't ever say someone else deserves it, but when speaking for myself this is how I feel.
Girl I agree he shuda never hit u. Mee &&my bd get into it he has shoved mee but never ever hit mee. I've also been in a very abusive relationship &&its not ok at all. My heart goes out to u &&de baby ):
@isaiahnjocelynsmommy agree very true,i think he should of known that she has more to lose if he hit her back or whatever the case is because shes first of all a woman and pregnant.