finally concieved!



  • I never thought of sex at that age. Honestly I was almost 20 my first time.
  • @shaqwan1996 honestly nobody is gonna be "excited" about a 14yr old trying to have a baby.where will you work him?how will you get back and forth to place??ok there's the bus...not saying it'll be impossible.but you've made it THAT much harder for yourself.Who's going to watch your baby when you and your bf are at school?
  • All I Got is wow. My cousin was 13 when she got pregnant and her kid ended up being raised by grandparents because She couldn't take care of her son. It was so hard on her and her bf who said he was gonna be there left before the baby was even born And her pregnancy was an accident. I am 23 and I miss going out with my friends and I am stressed I don't have a college education or a high paying job. How do you plan on bringing your Baby to the hospital at 1 am when he or she is super sick? It happens. You're friends wont be there forever or drop What they are doing to come help. You might as well plan on doing This alone. Just saying.
  • ....sad..... X_X
  • This could be real but I think its fake cuz not only did she say she was prego but she made sure to mention she is just barely out of middle school and that she is 14 cuz she knew that would ruffle a lot of feathers and start some drama is it me or does anyone else see it my way if it is real I just got to say wic doesn't buy a crib or diapers diaper wipes clothes u can't even drive ur child to the doctor u can't even get a job to help ur mom if ur grown up enough to get pregnant on purpose u should be paying rent to stay with ur mom and be able to buy ur kid the things it needs in life goodluck to u
  • edited May 2011
    Ladies, let's just walk away and enjoy our mothers day!! :)
    If you are really expecting hun, congrats. I wish you only the best and a happy healthy baby/pregnancy.
  • Dont freak out, use ur brain nxt time
  • @ashley_smashley I agree with you on that! This whole thing, IF ture is horribly horribly sad! and IF it fake this is a horrbile horrible thing to make up! She is just a CHILD! And I dont condone this in any way..
  • @shaqwan1996 how long have the daycare been at montbello hs cuz I use to go there.
  • edited May 2011
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  • I hope to god this is fake. Because I'm married and have been trying for awhile and I'm 23. I will not rely on wic or any assistance and this upsets me. Her comment "i looked online and I could use wic so my mom doesn't have to help me out so much" or something along those lines. WTF
  • I just looked up that high school and they do not have a day care.....
  • I agree with you both @AngeliaAndMe and @Babyluv8 This is outrageous!
  • you are too young to have been ttc but best of luck to u
  • @praying4our3rd I agree with you as well, this is horrible thing to put on your mother on mothers day!
  • @praying4our3rd Omg that is exactly what i was thinking! Like come on seriously, just cuz you want a baby at 14 doesnt mean you purposely go make one!
  • Well if this is real..... Whats done is done I hope u have a healthy beautiful baby and may god bless you. There is no need for me to state an opinion about her situation because I dont do that. And I really dont believe in abortions what-so-ever, and I would never convince anyone to. All we need to do is support her now. I thought that supporting and helping others was what pregly was for. God bless you
  • @praying4our3rd I know they will, and they will be apprciated so much more! :)
  • Ok.I see where she said a daycare,but really?What are you trying to fill in your life? You should honestly be trying to obtain your diploma before you even try to have a baby....
  • Guys.These things do happen a 13-17yr old wanting a baby and getting pregnant and still being in middle school,high school.It happens for real and its sad.You don't want to make a way for yourself sap you can give more to your baby? Being in 8th grade/about to start 9th isn't much giving to yourself at all.and to even get WIC And stuff,your mom has to make under a certain amount.and ttc just to get on that is not cool.
  • I knew since I was 6-7 that I wanted to be a mommy...but I didn't try to conceive. I wound up pregnant with my daughter at 18, and even though I wouldn't trade her, my son, or my unborn son for anything in the world I wish I had WAITED. I feel like I've missed out on a lot of rites of passage when it comes to growing up - and I'm not going to be able to get any of those things back. In any case, I wish you the best of luck. My mother in law helped me with my daughter when I had her, and now my daughter fights her father and I constantly about letting us take care of her. All she wants is her grandma because her grandma had helped me so much that they bonded instead. I feel miserable about the whole thing and it's been a fight for the almost five years that my daughter has been alive to make her mine again. I hope that does not happen to you. There's nothing that hurts your feelings more at this stage in your child's life when they're hurting or sad and when you try to make them feel better they just keep crying for Grandma.
  • Made up drama and shanking my head
  • lol your welcome :)
  • edited May 2011
    @prayin i dunno how long its been there. my brother is there right now and its bin there since he started goin
  • Good luck all the best to you and your BD :-)
  • Your just a baby. I still played with barbie at your age. Im sorry but i hope everything works out. Ill pray for you
  • The medical bill for the baby alone is gonna driv her momma into debt
  • Totally unrelated, but @mommyofangels when I read "shanking my head" I cracked up.
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