What does eveybody do for a living ?



  • @jaime77, not enough lol! Yummy though. I'd be a giant pig.
  • I would trade jobs with almost everyone on here. Lol
  • Teacher: 3rd grade.
  • @Marriedwith_4
    What do u drive?
  • I work at barnes and noble. I'm surounded by books and coffee all day.. I usually love it but as I'm getting bigger its getting harder on me
  • Hair stylist!
  • I'm an inventory auditor! Tons of fun..let me tell ya lol. And my sister is on of My bosses which in theory is cool but really does suck. While everyone else chooses their own schedule she chooses mine: ( but at least it's a job!
  • Case manager.... Im still in training
  • Im a cna at a nursing home I work on the rehab wing
  • I was a quality Assurance analyst at Little Debbie but I'm currently not working. Thank goodness or I would be as big as a house!
  • Omg @brookiesbaby I ate a whole box of strawberry shortcake rolls in 2 days last week :P I would be hugeee if I worked for littledebbie!!!
  • Hubby works there too. Some days I call him and make him sneak me out something yummy!
  • I'm a daycare teaxhr in the baby toom is tough but I like it(:
  • I'm a daycare teaxhr in the baby toom is tough but I like it(:
  • Appointment clerk/patient benefits helper
  • Stay at home momma
  • I am a Lead Infant teacher at a daycare. I absolutely love my job!!!
  • Stay at home mommy and full time student
  • Software engineer
  • I'm a paramedic. A mommy and a wife.
  • CNA/student/mom:)
  • @jaime77 I drive a city bus. I live n Chicago n we have the 2nd ( I believe ) largest transportation system
  • Pharmacist
  • That is a ruff job! Traffic nightmares and crazy passengers. I bet you have a story or two lol, ever think about being a jocky. We have female jockies that just drive the trailors to the loading docks. Pay is great too :)
  • Was a correctional officer, currently in college for RN but might get a job as a probation officer until husband gets back from his next deployment.
  • Executive Director of a Boys & Girls Club
  • @jaime77 we would have to talk on the phone for me to tell u some stories. Lol, 10years worth. I'm lookin to switch to something new with no driving. I started school for radiology n I'm gonna go back
  • I was a cna in a nursing home but now im an army wife and stay at home mama =)
  • I am a business owner and I offer consulting/online marketing/web design services. Used to work at Yahoo then started my own company. Love being my own boss.
  • LOL!! Def. Switch, radiology sounds perfect!!
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