really ladys (smoking) thats me (venting)

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
I'm not trying to fight with no one..yesterday I was pretty upset cuz someone was bashing on us pregnant woman that smoke cigarettes...well I don't. Care if you feel that it ur opinion cuz its my baby its my body my lungs .. yea I feel bad for smoking but I can't. Just stop that will harm my baby more cuz ur body will go into stress..have I cut down hell. Yea n I'm proud of myself....but y'all want to talk bout cigs harming babys will did u know sweet stuff is worse thrn can cause adhd …add…diabetes ..obesity...many more problem's. But people bash us for smoking all smoking really. Does. Sometimes cuz low birth weight n its not even low couple of oz off really depends if there taking care of urself really ....I had sevearl parenting class so I know the risk but I just thought y'all should know everything can harm a baby. If u look at it down to the very coke u drink.....thank u have a good don't jugde me we all do some kind of wrong during our pregnancy but that's fine as long as we try n be good mother that all that counts.


  • Girl I'm soo on ur page. Ima smoker &&I heard u can undue all smoking causes on ur baby by simply breastfeeding the 1st 6months! Can u do the same for candy, cokes, etc??? Well my baby was 6.14 on her birth(day) not low! &&my mom smoked &&I weighed 10.5 soooo. But pls don't point ur finger to us wen u gots piles &&piles of junk food or whatever ur prego vice is....
  • I smoke to. But there is more to the health issues. It can cause asthma and horrible ear problems. To each their own. Not every one is 'perfect' but as long as your not smoking a pack a day I wouldn't worry about it!
  • I was a smoker with my daughter n if she was low birth weight then I'm fine with her 8lbs2oz self lol. I was lucky to quit with this one and so glad cause they made me sick lol. But nicotine isn't inhaled through a Damn womb lol
  • I agree ladies. Unfortunatly judgement comes all around. That's ok though I would not let it bother me. I have one day of judgement in my life that I care about.
  • @soontohavethree I agree girl. Now once in a while I will have one those days where I smoke more but still not a pack or anywhere near that. Wish I had another stress relief
  • there's a lot more that can be done than causing low birth weight. and breastfeeding isn't a miracle cure, especially if you continue to smoke after you give birth. not judging anyone, ladies, i promise. i hope you have happy healthy babies, no one is perfect. i'd be careful posting about this, though, another discussion got closed because it got so out of hand.
  • My mum smoked all way through being pregnant with me n my two brothers and we was 9lb baby's 2 hours labour tops my sister she did everything by the book and had 28hr labour 6 weeks early 4lb bad complications in labour to so nearly had to have c section
  • I si agree with you @happymommyof2 well all have our judgement day.. all soon enough! No one else's bothers me!
  • @happymommyof2 u took the words outta my mouth (:
  • Thank u ..u see my point....cigs to even changing cat liter is bad ...heck driving is bad for u to. It pinchs the blood flow in ur back? ??? My point is eveything. bad....but u know ladys were here now our parents n theres before them did far worse crap den us heck they didn't even see a doc or have prenatal vitamins so if u want to bash on someone pick up ur phone n call ur parents n grandma n n great great grandmothers..

    @paytonnoelle I have two kids n there healthy my 7 yr old is very athletic so no lung problems plays soccer n is a super squrd cheerleader ..n in gifted n talented second is a baby but doc say she's. I can't speck on this one but I cut down so I know I'm fine a mother nows
  • Sorry misspelled words lol
  • @paytonnoelle I'm not saying its a cure all I actually don't breastfeed but others may. Thanks for ur nonjudgemental opinion. Its sad that ppl judge &&point their fingers like we crackheads or something. Wen everyone has something unhealthy in their life. But wen it all comes down, only God can judge mee
  • yeah, my boyfriend smokes and so does his whole family so i know it's hard to quit, it's not like you purposefully smoke to harm your baby.. and there are plenty of mothers who smoke but are incredible with their children. everyone needs to realize that we all have our imperfections, bad habits, and shortcomings.
  • I'm just wondering if you smoke in secret? My friend always told everyone she quit but would light up when no one was around. I can imagine the shame u feel when everyone is judging you as a mother.
  • I dont hide! I'm over the legal age. I don't hide anything! There is the select few people I don't smoke around and that's out of respect for them. And my kids. No smoking in my house or my cars or wherever my kids may be @jaime77 if you are hid then why do it? I'm not proud for smoking but I am proud I've cut back dramatically
  • I only smoke at my mums cos i need them there with my sister stressing me out! lol but no were else so i smoke between 10-20 a week sometimes less if I'm not at my mum's much but at home and work i don't need one
  • I don't think people should treat you mean for it, I personally just don't agree with it. But I just don't agree with smoking period, but its your decision and you shouldn't be treated badly for it.
  • im sorry but thats the just politicaly incorrect.. you cant compare sugar and cigs.. It is defiantly not worse than smoking.. i myself dont eat much sugar and i dont drink any sugar.. its always sugar free.. but i was like that before i was pregnant.. Some woman can quite right away and some cant.. if youve slowed down to like one cig a day.. good for you your doing your baby a service.. I dont agree at all that just cause you smoke.. your a bad mom.. thats also ridiculous for someone to say.. my sis smoked.. her babies are ok and I have pride in the way she is with her kids.. shes a great mother.. i know thats just absurd and over stepping the line when someone says that.. and also to insinuate just cause a baby dies from sids its the moms fault.. the truth is the research is inconclusive.. they actually believe these babies have a genetic predisposition.. and i would think that people would be more sensitive to others positions.. cause you only live your life not theres..
    If youll want to know what pisses me off.. woman who do drugs while they are pregnant.. Im talking about pill popping.. heroin.. cocain.. crank.. crack.. you know that stuff.. that makes you a bad mom.. k.. thats the real problem .. not sugar and not cigs.. sorry if i offend but.. i was on the cigg convo and some of the things the ladies say was just wrong and absurd.. i dont know what people say to themselves to make it alright to say a woman doesnt care..
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  • No one has the right to judge! Smh some people are just annoying I ignore them....
  • I smoked for almost 15 years, pack at least a day and I was able to quit cold Turkey when I found out I was prego. I'm just proud of you ladies for trying to quit.
  • I smoked half a pack a day for ten years, and quit cold turkey the day I found out. I didn't think twice about it. My bf smoked a pack a day for 12 years and quit cold turkey 3 weeks ago. Honestly, its mind over matter. If you truly wanna quit, you will. If you're not ready, or willing, then you won't.
  • I smoked 22 years and quit. I just figure I wouldn't smoke with my kids in the car so why would I smoke when I am pregnant. My fiance won't smoke when the kids are in the car so why would he smoke when I was in the car.
  • Ahhhh ok who the hell do ppl think they are judging any of us. Im grown n I do what I want I smoke 5 a day sometimes more I drink dr pepper too and im fine n my daughter is too dr said he wants to induce early cause shes big together my bd and I have 5 1/2 kids all babies that momma smoked with im soooo sick of ppl bashing us over OUR choices at least we r trying at least we are honest really ppl get over it u probably eat lunch meat or tuna or msg which is bad too
  • I quit 16 weeks into my pregnancy...last week... and its still hard. But I'm doin it!! And any preggo who smokes I'm cool with. Its really hard to just quit. My bf isn't a smoker so that helps me a whole lot. But if he was i don't know if i would b able to quit.
  • I'm not going to judge as there are pregnant women that are fast food junkies, have eating disorders, poor social habits, etc. I have no issues with any mother's for I have no place considering moms that do everything by the books have labor issues as well as their babies may or may not have issues.
    If u have cut back then that's great.
  • @Adfennell83 uh oo I eat lunch meat &&smoke abt 5 a day. (:
  • Lol @sopheebaybee143 u dare devil honestly im tired of bein judged I heard something the other day n I loved it a prego girl was goin outside to smoke and a guy said "you shouldnt be smoking" she replied "im carryin one your balls are full u shouldnt be either" he said "what about the baby" she said "u beat off n never worry about those kids so dont worry about someone elses swimmers" I was like wow I kiked that
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