really ladys (smoking) thats me (venting)



  • @sands3 Good for you!! I admire you for taking action so that your child has a better chance at a healthy life.
  • I don't want to start anything, but someone said the nicotine doesn't go into the womb...along those lines. Well, the toxins get into your bloodstream, which is your babys only course of oxygen. While cutting back is great, it only lowers the risks a little. I hope that all you that have cut back and completely stop soon. Good luck!!
  • @sands3 You're right. Here's a clip from wedMD:

    If your health isn't enough to make you quit smoking, then the health of your baby should be. Smoking during pregnancy affects you and your baby's health before, during, and after your baby is born. The nicotine (the addictive substance in cigarettes), carbon monoxide, and numerous other poisons you inhale from a cigarette are carried through your bloodstream and go directly to your baby. Smoking while pregnant will:

    Lower the amount of oxygen available to you and your growing baby.
    Increase your baby's heart rate.
    Increase the chances of miscarriage and stillbirth.
    Increase the risk that your baby is born prematurely and/or born with low birth weight.
    Increase your baby's risk of developing respiratory (lung) problems.
    The more cigarettes you smoke per day, the greater your baby's chances of developing these and other health problems. There is no "safe" level of smoking while pregnant.
  • I think posts like this always start something...
  • Great info @cdswim thank you for posting that!
  • The way I look at it is, I wouldn't give my baby a cigarette, weed, alcohol, or anything else, so what makes it ok when pregnant??? Agh I know its a never ending debate but come on...these are small sacrifices for your children.
  • edited May 2011
    @brookiesbaby A smoking mom started the post and opened the floodgates.

    You're welcome :)
  • My whole problem with the discussion is the trying to justify the smoking..I mean if you have cut back, then that is awesome! Great Job taking a step in the right directions...but to try and justify it just seems wrong to me..but that is my OPINION and you can take it or leave
  • I agree @brookiesbaby I just had to make that correction so people know the truth

    My sister smoked with both her kids. On came out just fine, 6 something lbs..happy, healthy. The other, not so lucky. He weighed just over 5 lbs and has a few other issues...I don't know all the details. The drs are still figuring it all out.
    I just wanted to share for those who say...well, my 1st is fine.
  • Oh and my mom smoked when she was pregnant with me and I was 4 wks earlier, weighed 4 lbs and spent a week in an incubator. Luckily I was fine but I just wouldn't take that risk.
  • I was a smoker in my early pregnancy. But did any women on here had the urge to or had to quit?! I think my son didn't like it. Im not going to lie, I miss smoking. I crave a cig, but if I take one lil hit I gag! But that's how I quit, cuz of my son. Silly lil monster...
  • @cdswim yeah I know but its so controversial people are gonna argue. I am personally against it since I know its bad for baby and I quit when I found out I was prego. If others continue to smoke and know the risks and are ok with them then its their business. If they are gonna blast it on pregly expect people to have opinions
  • @jess8d That's what happened to my sister when she was pregnant with my nephew. She would get sick everytime she tried to smoke while pregnant with him and quit.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Good luck to all that are trying im one month one day ciggarette free
  • Lol "we were born to mothers who smoke and drank, our cribs were covered in lead base paint..."
  • Smoking during pregnancy whether its a lot or a little is risky. The potential negative effects are proven and well researched. As are the negative effects on any human being exposed to smoking. If you are willing to take those risks that is up to you. Personally, I would never take that risk. I would not be able to forgive myself if something bad happened to my baby as a result.
  • edited May 2011
    Ignorance is bliss! Its dumbass post like this that encourage people to pride themselves for neglecting their health and most importantly the health of their fetuses that should be closed. Being young and dumb is not an excuse but its becoming an epidemic. And furthermore whomever gave the creator of this discussion the false information that sweets are worse than quitting due to stress must suffer from a mental health disease. I was a heavy smoker and quit cold Turkey so suck it up! @Mama_Kat this is absurd and should be closed... sadly someone may have read this and based their opinion on false information.
  • @stormyparadise Thanks for stating the obvious in a blunt fashion!!
  • I smoked with my first pregnancy. I haven't completely quit yet. But I am trying! And I am determined to. It is so expensive and in the long run healthier for me, the new baby and our family. I am 6w4d now. I know the sooner the better too. It is hard because my hubby smokes, but not in the house. I told him once I do quit, he can't around me at all, I am sure the smell will make me want to be sick!! I hope to quit this week. :)
  • @cdswim this isn't the first one of the rants I've read but if they're going to be allowed to continue the least that can be done is an intervention from a monitor with valid information on the topic. Some of the things these girls write infuriates me! My best friend is having a difficult time conceiving and would give anything and these girls that it for granted... shame on them!
  • edited May 2011
    @Chevygirl that's the spirit don't give up.
  • I hate wen people say they can't quit something the point is ur baby would be better off if u didn't smoke while there breathing ur air its like wen u smoke do u ever think my baby is breathing this air to its just sad
  • I would just like to point out that it is NOT only "your" body that you are putting at risk. It is the body, brain, lungs, and other organs of your defenseless, innocent child you are endangering. It does NOT matter that your best friend's uncle's daughter smoked the whole time she was pregnant and her kid is "perfectly fine". You can NOT predict what smoking will do to your unborn based on someone else's sheer LUCK at missing out on harmful side effects.

    I APPLAUD mothers who are cutting back drastically on their smoking and are trying to quit for the sake of their unborn. I know that is NOT easy by any stretch of the imagination. I smoked for 6 years heavily and quit, cold turkey. I still have cravings. But you know what, I deal with it. I am so thankful to finally have had a reason to quit. Smoking is the NUMBER ONE cause of preventable death in the United States. If you can't quit for your child, at least quit for yourself!

    Also, everyone needs to get their head out of the sand when it comes to "you shouldn't just up and quit, that causes stress to the baby which is worse than smoking!" Seriously? Really? I understand for that those who are heavy smokers it is better for them to slowly and gradually cut back and eventually wean themselves off of cigarettes. But I see this used far too often as an excuse to continue smoking.

    Please STOP telling other mothers struggling to quit, or wanting to quit, that "it just causes stress to the baby so don't worry about quitting" or "it's okay girl, my niece and nephew are perfectly fine and my sister smoked the whole time she was pregnant!" Because when you tell people this, you are setting them up for failure and putting that little piece of doubt in their mind so that when they are craving a cigarette, they have something to tell themselves in order to help justify it.

    And YES, I will worry about what you do. I will be upset that you continue to smoke heavily through your pregnancy. Because like any form of child abuse, it upsets me. And yes, smoking heavily while you're pregnant is, in my opinion, child abuse. You are harming the child, depriving it of oxygen, and exposing it to horrible toxins. Would you blow smoke in a child's face? No? Then why pump it directly into its blood stream.
    Good day ladies.
  • @sunshine25, I hear ya. I definitely agree that there is no way to or reason to validate smoking during pregnancy (or smoking at all for that matter) however, my point was, if you DO smoke during pregnancy there is no point beating a dead horse, they know the risks.. ya know?
  • @aandk1031, You make some good points. I'm a doctor, I work in Womens Medicine. I'd like you to know that you and the other women on this site that claimed to have quit smoking cold turkey are exceptions.. more often than not, quitting cold turkey is actually what sets a smoker up for failure.. there is statistical data that proves this. When I tell my patients to take baby steps it is because I know better than to think someone who has smoked heavily for years will succeed in trying this. If a woman chooses to take the information about quitting being stressful and releasing toxins into the body as an excuse to continue to smoke then she is not even remotely serious about making a change and she KNOWS that. This supports my point, the women on this forum and everywhere else on the planet know that smoking is BAD, for them and for their unborn and they either commit to quitting or they dont. Women who want to quit and cannot do it cold turkey, need a plan in order to succeed.
    If this were a post about eating cheeseburgers and candybars all day you wouldnt dare call it child abuse and as far as im concerned and by your standards, it is. These women need HELP not judgements.
    Smoking is BAD, there is no denying that but telling someone theyre a weak and awful person for doing it isnt going to help them stop. Again, there is statistical data that proves this and I see it first hand ALL the time.
  • I stand by my statements completely.
  • @AandK1031 you took the words right outta my mouth!!
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