how are you carrying?



  • Low and all baby. He is also head down. 9 weeks left :)
  • LOW... he stays in my pelvic area which sucks.. lots of discomfort down there... Ugh tiring but its okay.. I am more than happy to endure any amount of pain or discomfort as long as my baby boy is happy and healthy. Plus its easier to feel ALL his kicks there. I'm only 21w but last week at my ultrasound I couldn't get a food face shot cuz he was so low in my pelvic region. I was like awe babe is hiding from mommy and then when we got him to move BOTH arms where in front of his face :( lol
  • @Karla_with_a_K I'm ten weeks away and I'm excited and nervous and yeah I'm sure you know how I feel :) are you ready?

    @kbg10 I agree about the discomfort! I am glad that I can feel all the movement as well. My daughter was the same way when I was carrying her. I opted to not find out sex, but she just didn't want anything to do with an u/s. She hid from me as well. Maybe you'll get another chance to see him before.. if not.. the first time you see him will be amazing :)
  • My lil boy is really low when he kicks feels like hes kicking my vagina
  • Ill be ready after my shower next sunday. The u/s said hes already 4 lbs and my belly is measuring about 2 weeks ahead, so he may come sooner. This is my 3rd.. :) are you ready?
  • @lovemylife11 oh my goodness... I feel the same way although I'm not sure if it is kicks or punches but it feels weird and semi painful sometimes. How far along are you?
  • @Karla_with_a_K this is my third as well! My body is ready, I have things ready, but I don't know what I'm going to do with three children!! I'm glad they are kinda far apart so I know ill get a little help from them. Overall I'm ready.. I just don't want to do the labor. Lol. That's really about it.
  • im almost 25 weeks u
  • @lovemylife11 almost thirty. I'm 29+3
  • lucky i cant wait to b further along
  • @lovemylife11 I think we all want to be further :) besides your only a couple weeks behind me :)
  • im carrying pretty high as far as i know about bellies which isnt much really.
  • i get an u/s monday for measurments so will see if my due date stays the same or changes i havent had a measurement u/s since 10 weeks
  • @sunshinelove I carried pretty high with my son. I am not a belly expert, I just know I'm low because my belly looks like it did after I dropped with my other too.

    @lovemylife11 hmm I wonder if ill get another one for sizing or not. Seems a lot of girls are getting them. I'm pretty sure I won't tho because when I went to have one when I was really sick my insurance only covers one u/s.

    @August22baby is this your first baby?
  • I was sitting high n straight out, its a girl carried low with my 2 boys now she looks like shes falling out but im due in 6 days
  • Ur suppose to have a measurement u/s to make sure baby is developing like there suppose to
  • Low with a girl, I think im carrying low and outward, a cute preggo belly. Then again.... I never really paid attention to how women carried sooo I dont really know the difference between carrying high... or low. :p
  • @bummy87 wow I bet your excited :) I would be :)

    @lovemylife11 I had one at 19 weeks is that the same u/s? Only one I had done aside from one at a clinic that I got told didn't count because the people at the clinic didn't know what they were doing (according to my doctors anyways)

    @MunecaLinda I have always thought of carrying high as in it is closer to your chest then pelvis and low the other way around. Like I have a ton of room between my ribs and my belly. But I could be mistaken. I just know my son is always in my pelvic region lol
  • That might have been it I was suppose to get one at 20 weeks but they couldnt get me in till now
  • Pretty low, but its a girl.
  • Super high. My doc swore I was further along cause of how high I'm carrying :) 22 weeks 5 days
  • Back to my older discussion: I have a bicornuate uterus.....( heart-shaped ) so kinda have to have another pregnacy to stretch my uterus out to have a normal pregnancy....
  • @lovemylife11 they said everything looked great and changed my die date from aug 3rd to July 27th. I'm thinking he is going to be a big baby. According to the clinic I had my first done at I only had a yolk sac and a heartbeat and they said imeasurement wise I was only 6 weeks 6 days, but according to the one at 19 weeks they said either they were wrong or my baby is in the 97% of babies that size. While I'm happy about being closer I am a little scared of having a bigger baby. My others were only in the 7 lb range but this bd was premie and weighed almost 9lbs!

    @caroline8_p I know there is a wives tale about the way you carry, but I'm not to sure it is true. When are you due?
  • @ghettobetty I think women who carry high are closer to what people expect when they think mid pregnancy. I feel I look like I did when I "lightened" or dropped with my other two children. Hmm I wonder if it would change when I do actually drop... or maybe my uterus is just used and is like imma keep the baby down here so we don't have to stretch so far later.. lol...

    @jess8d oh is that why the doctor said you'll more then likely have to have a c section, because of how it is shaped? So you have to have another pregnancy after this one to stretch it out to "normal"? How does a heart shaped uterus affect everything? (Sorry if I'm inquizitive I just never heard of this and I love learning new things)
  • The doc thinks it might b because I've had 2 csections already I really don't know. I do know being plus size and carrying high makes. Me feel fat!
  • @ghettobetty aww your preggers! I was plus sized with my first and well I only looked fat I didn't look preggers at all.. in fact I'm pretty sure "she is not carrying a baby she ate a baby" was mumbled at some point. I didn't know having c sections affected how you carry. That is interesting. Are you getting another c section or going for a vbac? I think I read in another post this is your third and last, are you getting your tubes tied or something else? I'm leaning towards tubal for me, everytime I get preggers I end up with kidney failure :(
  • I'm due august 25.
  • Ive heard higer = girl, lower = boy.. I hope its still a girl, lol
  • Carrying low, shes head down right against my cervix and has not raised up... Ill be 22 weeks tomorrow...
  • @kalikojenie they put me on a regulated carb diet. 30 carbs for breakfast 45 for lunch and 60 for dinner with 3 15 carb snacks. Sometimes I fudge it a little and eat 45 carb dinners so I can have a 30 carb snack (like ice cream)
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