how are you carrying?



  • @KalikoJenie I recommend looking up bicornuate uterus. He said im in the clear... most women loose their baby during the second trimester. Ur born with this uterus too... there's a lot of information about my issue. I have horns growing off my uterus. Im so lucky patrick moved from the horn at 8 weeks. But now he sits right on top of my uterus. Plus im a small person, so he's squished inside me.... I lost my first pregnacy at 9 wks.
  • Really low..I'm 29 weeks with a boy :)
  • edited May 2011
    How can yu know of yur high or low? Lol idk how to tell :/ I'm for aug 25 too! @caroline8_p
  • im going on 28 weeks & im carryn really high
  • I was carrying low and then all of the sudden she's super high :/ this child is confused lol she's supposed to be getting lower the farther along I get...
  • Yeah I'm having a little girl :)
  • I'm doing a csection.... I tried vbac with my 2 nd and it ended in another emergency csection. Yes tubes tied. I don't want anymore this will make 4. Kids I have a stepdaughter who I take care of full-time.
  • @1stTime_Mommy .. idk, lol. In the pictures I take, it just looks low. And when I wear pants under my belly, it sits like right on top of where my pubic area starts. I consider it low.
  • Haha I thought I was low cuz she's always down dere but my mom da other day says I'm high so now I'm just dnt know lol @carolin8_p
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