PERSON BELOW ME! FUN GAME. *warning* may get tmi !! :)
I thought this would get some people going! A giggle and somewhere to have a laugh
ok, so they way to play is by asking a question and the person below answers.
Example, i ask a question person that reads this answers then that person asks a question then the next answers that! This is guna be great.
Person below - what did you do last night?
ok, so they way to play is by asking a question and the person below answers.
Example, i ask a question person that reads this answers then that person asks a question then the next answers that! This is guna be great.
Person below - what did you do last night?
Person below - how far along are you?
person below sex better prego?
person below.... where did you conceive?
person below...what are you craving most during your pregnancy?
Person below.... how many kids do you want?
Person below. Are u having boy or girl?
person below.... if you could have anything right now what would it be?
Person below me, how long has it been since you.... flogged the dolphin...
Person below what are you craving?
Person below, u scare if been fat after labor ?
Ice with salt !
Person velow-ever had sexual dreams about someone you really shouldn't?
Person below-
Person Below: What would you do if BD took the last (fill in craving)?
Person below: are you ready for the baby to come?
What is something that you hated before getting pregnant, but love now?
Person below: what has been your weirdest dreams since being pregnant.
Person below- what pregnancy is this for you?
Ate u inlove with another man?
Below - are your boobs leaking yet? Mine just started and it's weird!
Person below - have you picked out names, yet?
Person Below - Do you cook the meals or do you make BD?