i hadn't thought about that. considering the baby is going to be born mid Nov part of that depends on the weather. but i think i'd like to show the lil one off as soon as i can. couple weeks maybe? i don't even know when it's safe lol.
pbm: what do your parents/in-laws think of the name you picked for your bundle of joy?
When I told my mom she said oh I like "insert name here" lol I was just like umm thanks mom! the inlaws haven't said much not sure they are very happy me and BD have only been together a year and aren't married yet.
PBM: If its your first what are you most nervous about if anything?
pbm: what do your parents/in-laws think of the name you picked for your bundle of joy?
PBM: If its your first what are you most nervous about if anything?
PBM: what's the theme of your nursery going to be?
Where did u have your first kiss with bd?
Person below-do u have a nickname for ur baby?
person below...
What is the most embarrasing thing your child has done or said?
Person below..
Does your SO's genitals have a nickname?
Role play? Sorry stupid phone
person below: whats your favorite sex position?
Person below: Do you want twins?
person below......spit or swallow?
Person below what the thing u have found strangest about pregnancy
Pbm: what do you like most about pregnancy?
PBM: how often do u and ur SO have sex?
What is your dream car?
Would you cheat on your man if he would never find out?