Threw the ultrasound picture down on the table at dinner while everyone had a bite of food in their mouth and started crying till my mom jumped over afew chairs and huged me sooo tight!
Person below me- What is the most horrible thing uv thrown up this pregnancey?
i wanted to do natural, but i have a compression fracture in my lower back, and i'm afraid i wont be able to stand the pain of that fracture on top of the pain of contractions. so, i will probly go with an epidural.
i'm afraid i won't be able to give the baby all the things he/she wants in life. we're kind of tight as far as money is concerned (who isn't now adays?) and i hate the idea of not being able to provide the things he/she may want. i tell you what though, he/she will get everything he/she NEEDS.
Person Below: how many kids do you want?
Person below me: are u all prepared for the baby?
Person below me_ how many kids do u plan on having?
Person below: when are you going to stop working?
Person below : do you hate you're mil ?
Sex during pregnancy: can't get enough or please stay away?
how did you tell your loved ones you were pregnant?
Person below me-
What is the most horrible thing uv thrown up this pregnancey?
Person below, Are you planning on having an epidural? Or natural?
was your lil one a pleasant surprise, or planned?
Is your bd helping u or has he helped u pick names?.
How far along were you when you found out you were pregnant
Person below: how many cup sizes have you went up?
Person below: what's one thing u will miss after baby belly is gone
Person below: when did you first start feeling constant movement?
Person below: what is ur plan after three months of having ur child?!
Person below: what is your favorite thing to do right now?
Whats the one thing that you hate most about pregnancy?
When is your due date?
Are you going breastfeed?
what u want most boys or girls?
are you excited or scared to give birth?
Person below: what is baby wearing home from hospital
Person below: what are you afraid that you can't or won't give your baby?
how are you decorating the baby's room?