I had my daughter when I was 16..son at 18 and now I'm 24, 11 weeks preg with babt #3. I was scared to tell my mom too..my bestfriends mom came over to help me since I couldn't bring myself to do it lol
@PROUD_MOMMY Everyones asking me that and I really don't know! Haha I think having another girl would be gooood but I feel like its a boy. Hope u get what ur hoping for
I'm 16 and 20w 3d I'm due November1st this is my first and its a boy so excited to meet him and @mrzgjj I just gave my mom a bfp pregnancy test she cried at first but now shes happy and excited its best to tell her or them early to get it over with and so they can get used to the fact
I didnt realize we had so many teen moms on 19 with my first 31 weeks a little girl I have my own place and am getting married things are definitely tough at times but I know things will work out in the end
just turned 17 June 13th, and i'm 33 weeks i didn't start showing till the 7th month of pregnancy, i had horrible morning sicknss for the first 4 months, and have had every symptom in the book. i suggest getting the baby bible "what to expect while expecting"