Weight Gain



  • Im 19 weeks 5 days and I've lost 19lbs. I was 225lbs so I'm glad im losing some of it! When I was full term from my son I weighed 191lbs but starting was 198lbs that was nice probably wont happen this time but as long as I don't gain a crazy amount, just what the baby needs =)
  • I'm due November 23rd but when they did an ultrasound the tech said I should be due the 20th but my Dr didn't actually change my due date. I guess its only 3days so it doesn't matter
  • Due July 11th and total weight gain so far is 6lbs. :O I had the stomach flu in the beginning and lost 5lbs.
  • Im 16weeks had no morning sickness but went from 216 to 195 don't get it but my dr says its ok its weird I keep feeling like im getting bigger cause im getting a belly but then I get on the scale at the dr and lose more weight thee last one was the worse so far 10 pounds in 4 weeks oh well as long as baby is healthy...
  • I don't remember when but they appeared on my boobs first out of no where one day and there were a lot. My boobs were devouered. Then my butt got one then two and now there's too many to count. Then they made there way to my thighs. But I don't have a single one on my belly area at all. I'm 33 weeks and have gained about 30 lbs so I think the butt and thigh ones came from wieght gain? I obessed about them at first now its whatever. Its a part of the package lol
  • I'm 16 weeks and have gained around 9 pounds. At first lost 3 (never morning sickness just lost it) now I teeter between 167 &170 which is either way too big for my 5 '1.5" self but whatever! I'm sure its all in my boobs cause these girls are ridiculous. Bought a bikini last month & yeah the cup runneth over bigtime! Oh had ultrasound yesterday (only $54) & I'm having my girl (have 2 boys already) so super excited!
  • I'm 16 weeks today and at my appt last week I had only gained 5 pounds, but my belly is starting to show more and more stretch marks every day =\ I'm not looking forward to being coveted in stretch marks...
  • I am 5ft2 and was 134 pounds before my pregnancy. I lost 16 pounds during the first trimester and now at almost 15 weeks pregnant im stuck at 120 but Dr said i was ok. I thought it was strange thought because i feel bigger.. none of my pants fit anymore except leggings and none of my shirts fit! I felt even worse when i tried an old maternity shirt from about 3 years ago and THAT didnt even fit me!
  • @LoveBeingMommy i'll be 16 weeks tomorrow and i've only gained one pound through the whole pregnancy. my doc said i was fine though, and the baby is healthy and happy, using my uterus as a trampoline... lol
  • Im 16 weeks tomorrow and have gained 9 lbs.I feel like its too much but Dr hasn't said anything so I guess its okay.
  • @Fae Well that's good. I just had my last appointment on Thursday & gained my first 3 pounds! Lol But my doctor had no concerns and said the baby was healthy : ) When do you find out the gender?
  • @Forevanmyhrt I just started to show as well. But no new stretch marks since my last my last pregnancy. Is this your first? And are you using coco butter cream yet?
  • I'm 16 weeks n have gained 9 pounds.!!
  • I'm 15 weeks, and I have gained 6 pounds, but I lost in the first trimester
  • @LoveBeingMommy I get to find out the gender on the 20th. I can't wait!
  • @LoveBeingMommy this is my first pregnancy, I was using bio oil, but it wasn't helping at all. I bought some cocoa butter yesterday :) hopefully it helps..
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