I am getting so sick of...

Twilight!!! Oh my god it's everywhere. And to any mommas that like it, I hope we can still be friends but I hate Bella, Edward, and Jacob so much. Lol sorry. Oh one last thing Harry Potter Rules. Please be respectful if you decide to comment. Share the love with all Preglys.


  • Lol I completely agree hun!!!
  • Haha :)) I enjoyed the books but I am not a fan of the movies or all of the hype thats been built up.
  • I like twilight! Lol. But im on a total harry potter kick cuz I just started watching the movies.. Lol im on number four! :)
  • My best friend is 23 and so obsessed with twilight I'm afraid to take her in public. Lol she has her own room in her house with a full floor to ceiling bookshelf COVERED in everything twilight. Smh. Lol its a bit over the top for anything, just happens to be twilight. I don't mind them, Just don't love them that dang much!
  • I love both but agree that the obssesion is taking over! To much of a good thing is still to much.
  • I love twilight.especially Edward that's my vampire boo!
  • I hate it& don't watch it!!! But now TRUE BLOOD now that's good stuff!
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  • I love twilight and harry potter!!!!!
  • edited May 2011
    I don't like it either! I hate bella!
  • I love Harry Potter!
  • @one5one

    I Love True Blood! I'm so inlove with the young red head that bill turned into a vampire she's gorgeous after watching it for so long I can't remember her name lol I'm just getting caught up on last season it's been on HBO I'm excited (= can't wait for the new one!
  • @krazymomofadrian I'm totally with u no offense to any fans but I've never seen any of it nd I'm so tired of hearing about it lol I just roll my eyes LOL
  • I hate harry potter.its boring.
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  • I liked the books but can't stand the movies. But i totally adore Peter Facinelli.
  • I love them both read all the books of twilight n harry potter I'm a bigger fan of twilight though
  • Omg I hate twilight! I've never seen it, but I can't stand the obsession with it. It's so lame!! Lol vampires...pfffft...:P
  • @0911Mommyof2 yea I like her too. Is her name Jessica? Anyway I can't stand sookie! So know it all. Hate her lol.
  • @0911mommyof2 her name is Jessica...I love True Blood...I'm so addicted n can't wait for June 24 to watch season 4...I'm not a Harry Potter fan and Twilight is ok...but True Blood is my series...
  • Lol I like twilight but that's not why my daughter is named Isabella and we call her Izzy but ppl still ask
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  • Bella gets on my nerves.
  • I like the twilight books and I love harry potter and true blood :)
  • @tricesbaby thank you!! Lol
  • honestly i liked twilight when it was just books before the teenyboppers became obsessed with her mediocre writing style that allows every white teenaged girl to associate with bella and no human being in existence to ever live up to her description of perfect (stalker) edward then when the movies came out rob patt. is so not hot at all... he looks like he is in pain for most of the movie plus the acting just sucked from kristen and rob. but the thing that really kills me is the t-shirts "team jacob" "team edward" like really guys read the books youknow how it ends... you know whats gonna happen the girl chooses necrophilia over beastiality... and her daughter is eventually gonna get with her bestfriend/ pet dog...

    and as for harry potter... good books the movies are decent.. but its kind of getting old.. im just happy that this is the last movie... oh and the part one sucked... all it was was a 2 1/2 hr preview of part 2... like really...

    but over all they really need to stop with the vampire stuff already it's getting old..
  • HAHA I have read the books and still hate them. Lol. I liked them then I realized how horrible they actually were. But one of my very good friends is a twilight fan. I love Harry potter and always will. @one5one I love True blood, I have actually read the original series that it was based on and it was really good. :) @everyone YAY no bashing lol.
  • @jalem LMFAO at necrophelia over beastiality!!
  • @jalem, I agree but I liked the first part on number 7. I am gonna be respectful I just wanted to know who else agreed with me. I know of some teens naming their twins Bella and Edward. Obsess over it, but REALLY lol. It is just getting uber old.
  • @krazymomofadrian oh i loved it too but in my mind the best part of book 7 was the end... and basically the part 1 was a bunch of moving around doing hardly anything... and what sucks is since i was little i wanted to name my baby girl isabella and now it is soooooo out of the picture!!!! and really people there's a reason his name is edward... that name was popular in the 1910's when he was "born"... i have a friend (shes 17 now) who named her daughter Renesmee... like omg poor child
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