Cheap..but pampering

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
What is something that a pregnant woman can do to pamper herself but is still cheap to do?


  • Get a pedicure!
  • How cheap? They have pregnant massage for under $50 u can get a mani & pedi for around $40
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  • Here I pay 22 with the tip... I think that's pretty reasonable for an hour of relaxation
  • If you like near a cosmetology school, they usually offer student services for cheap. Haircuts, manicures, pedicures, scalp treatments, facials, all kinds of stuff for a good deal.
  • I am just looking for something to do to pampering myself.
  • edited June 2011
    I pay $25 a month for a pedi! :) its my mommy only time.
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  • I'm from alabama. I use to live in atlanta and it was the same there... As long as you didn't go to a super fancy salon downtown.
  • edited June 2011
    I live in Dallas area. some places here are

    $18.00 for mani
    $20.00 for pedi
    Thatz where I go!
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  • It depends on what you consider pampering. I sometimes lock the door to my bedroom/bathroom and read a book or just hang by myself while my kids watch a movie. Or a long hot shower or bath are also pampering in my book and don't cost you anything.
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  • I thought u couldn't color yr hair when pregnant.
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  • Pedis here are also 35 and up I usually pay 40. After tip. Once a month I love it!
  • I wouldn't color or put in chemicals in ur hair. For me, my hair got PIIIISSSED when I tried to chemically straighten it. I had to cut off about 5 inches b.c. it got so dry and burnt. :(

    So stick w/ a pedi. :) those are safe.
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  • I like the idea of a self pedi. You could have your significant other run you a hot bath, and when you get out, have him give you a full body massage and maybe cook a nice dinner? I think this sounds spectacular and I wish I had someone to do it for me!
  • Have ur bf/husband to rub,clean,and paint your feet and theres your
  • @praying4our3rd Agreeeeed, make him clean up! Have him totally devote one night to you, make your favorite dinner and eat under candlelight, hot bath with full body massage to follow, put on some romantic music and dance under the Arizona moonlight, snuggle up next to each othet outside and stargaze...the possibilities are endless!

    Perhaps you don't have a SO to do this with. Have a girls night and do the mani/pedi thing, watch movies and make non alcoholic drinks, or invite several friends and do a potluck type dinner and watch funny movies. I don't know if you have a Massage Envy in Mesa, but they do a $39 first time customer massage for 50 minutes. Or, the massage schools do Saturday open houses where they practice on the public for $25. At least they do here in Utah.
  • I love to cook, so I like to make my husband take the kids out somewhere while I cook a really nice meal or fun dessert. I make a huge mess, and when my husband comes home I make him clean it all up. Then I get to enjoy food that I like without the stress of having my kids trying to climb my legs AND I don't have to do anything but eat and relax. :D I also like to lock my bedroom door and take a long shower or read; go out and buy something fun and inexpensive for the baby; pick one of my kids and take them out for something fun (this past weekend I took my 4 year old to Barnes and Noble and we both got a clearance book and sat in the cafe and had dessert and "read"--it's one of the best days I've had in a long time. I think I spent $25 total.)
  • lol @praying4our3rd yeah, cooking gets WAY stressful when my kids are home (8yr old step son, 4yr old son, 2 yr old son...ahhh!!!!) They're like little monsters and they flat-out refuse to leave me alone as soon as they seem I'm concentrating on something else. Plus I have this insane fear that I'm going to disfigure one of them if they get to close to me while I'm cooking. My 4yr old has been really...lost...since I started showing and his little brother started asserting himself (both of which happened right around the same time). He keeps saying that he's not special and that we don't need him. It breaks my heart, so I've been trying to come up with ways to make sure that he knows that he's necessary to our family. He'd like Panera, too, that's a great idea.
  • Make your bd be a slave for a day
  • I'm assuming she doesn't like any of our suggestions as she hasn't responded? :\
  • I'll get a whip and beat mine if he doesn't do what I tell him. Im not dealing with his sas.
  • Unfortunately so would mine, the trick is you gotta put youre mean face on.
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