WIC (questions) **Update**



  • edited June 2011
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  • Yeah it caries from state to state for things. I know here i n florida when I had my first I made too much money wasn't on medicaid, but because I was preggers I qualified because I explained that I made enough money to pay my bills and the only food I could afford was ramen noodles and water... not sure if the sob story helped but that's what I told them. And thankfully they have never asked me for more then my income. Which if you are single with no other kids then you wouldn't have to worry about child support because well according to most states until baby is born that dads don't have to pay yet.
  • You don't need to tell them anything about your bf. Trust me lol
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  • @excitedforoctober yeah. If you say your going to breastfeed they give you more food, if you say your going to formula feed they give you like ten cans of carnation formula (or what ever brand they use now) and in six months after they give you baby cereal and baby food then at one they start giving you whole milk and foods for your toddler til age 5
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe yeah I get tuna. I live in GA so idk if its everywhere.
  • @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle I agree, cuz then people get confused
  • Thanks so much ladies! You guys gave me hope that I can get it! Any help is help! :)
  • I agree :) and sine I'm oreggo and jobless I don't mind looking things up :)
  • Yea,they ask questions about your healthy and what you eat.they weigh you and pricked your finger for anemia....I believe I waited that long because there was kind of a lot of people there.
  • @starrxoxo9 I sure hope not! They didnt include it in the list of things I had to bring in with me to the appt so I doubt it.
  • @excitedforbaby They prick ur finger?! Noooo! I always faint when they do that, no lie :( I dont mind if they take blood but not the finger! Lol
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  • If you have a slip from your doctor that us recent that says your iron count they don't prick your finger, however if not they do want to make sure your getting enough iron. But then again I suppose each state is different
  • Just my opinion wic is annoying if u qualify you just just do foodstamps instead. Less visits and stupid coupons and u can pick what Lind of formula u want with F's. I hate wic and wic appointments you have to. Go through too many appointments and crap just for those coupons which they pick what u can and cannot get. OK vent done.
  • Thank for all the suggestions...had my appt yesterday and I got accepted! Yay :)

    At first she said I did not qualify since I made too much money for me and the baby but she said she was going to put down that I lived with my bf which would make me qualify, thank for for helping me out! :) :)

    Still kinda confused how the whole coupon thing works...
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  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe right but how often do I get those coupons? I asked and she said somehting like its usually every 3 months but bcuz I'm pregnant it will be more often but she really didn't tell me exactly when.
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  • I got coupons for two months.my next appt. Is in august. You go to the store,get the specific food and sizes go to the line,give the cashier the check,the ring it up,you sign the check,and there you go. @ExcitedForOctober
  • am i really the only person that was mad when i read this?? your pretty much saying you and your boyfriend combined make more then enough to care for the baby and that you just want free stuff... if he lives with you, you have to include him on your application. why dont you leave the public assistant for the people that really truly need it
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  • Oh geez, here we go again.
  • here they ask for everyone in the house holds income. just my opinion, i feel like its people like this who abuse "the system"
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  • @MommaMae Excuse me?! For ur information I do NOT live with my boyfriend. Please get informed first before you make uneducated assumptions. And to be honest I could do very well without the milk and help from WIC but hey why not get help. Now I give u permission to judge me! ...oh and btw I was the one who went into the WIC office telling the interviewer the truth that I don't live with him and guess who lied for me so I can get their help? SHE decided on her own to put down that I do live with him bcuz she said without living with him I don't qualify.
  • @FirstTimeMommyToBe Let her look dumb by making her own stupid assumptions :) lol She must be bored.
  • *if* you can read the comment says *if* you live with him. once again just my opinion, everyone is entitled to that
  • @MommaMae yes I can read very well thanks! But *if* YOU can read then please tell me where in my post I said I just want to get free stuff? Or where I explicitly stated my bf and I make more than enough money to support our baby? You are right we do but no where in my post did I state that.
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